WoWInterface SVN Impossible

[/] [branches/] [0.1.2/] [OOBE_Impossible_DUI/] [impossible_raid.lua] - Rev 5

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context = "GLOBAL";
name = "impossible_raid";
title = "impossible_raid";
version = 1;
PreInstallScript = function()
        name = "impossible_raid";
        heading = "Impossible Dynamic User Interface";
        text = "Installation for Impossible DUI Raid";
        sel = true;
InstallCondition = function()
    return RDX.GetOOBEOptionState("impossible_raid");
PrepareInstall = function()
        -- Delete previous versions
data = {
-- Begin RDX Data Export
-- Begin Export Data
        ["impossible_raid"] = {
                ["GRID_dispel"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "SymLink",
                        ["version"] = 3,
                        ["data"] = {
                                ["targetpath_5"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_default",
                                ["class"] = "class",
                                ["targetpath_7"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_mage",
                                ["targetpath_8"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_default",
                                ["targetpath_2"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_druid",
                                ["targetpath_3"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_paladin",
                                ["targetpath_4"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_shaman",
                                ["targetpath_1"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_priest",
                                ["targetpath_10"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_default",
                                ["targetpath_9"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_default",
                                ["targetpath_6"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel_default",
                ["infoAuthorEmail"] = "",
                ["infoComment"] = "Raid Frames; Grid",
                ["GRID_filterset"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "FilterSet",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                "groups", -- [1]
                                true, -- [2]
                                true, -- [3]
                                true, -- [4]
                                true, -- [5]
                                true, -- [6]
                ["GRID_mousebindings"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "MouseBindings",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                ["1"] = {
                                        ["action"] = "target",
                                ["3"] = {
                                        ["action"] = "cast",
                                        ["spell"] = 4987,
                                ["2"] = {
                                        ["action"] = "cast",
                                        ["spell"] = 66922,
                                ["5"] = {
                                        ["action"] = "cast",
                                        ["spell"] = "Hand of Protection()",
                                ["4"] = {
                                        ["action"] = "cast",
                                        ["spell"] = 37979,
                                ["S3"] = {
                                        ["action"] = "cast",
                                        ["spell"] = 6940,
                ["infoIsShare"] = 1,
                ["GRID_unitframe"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "UnitFrameType",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                        ["feature"] = "base_default",
                                        ["h"] = 28,
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["w"] = 54,
                                        ["alpha"] = 1,
                                }, -- [1]
                                        ["feature"] = "Subframe",
                                        ["h"] = "27",
                                        ["name"] = "main",
                                        ["flOffset"] = 0,
                                        ["owner"] = "Base",
                                        ["w"] = "53",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "Base",
                                }, -- [2]
                                        ["feature"] = "backdrop",
                                        ["owner"] = "main",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["bkd"] = {
                                                ["ka"] = 1,
                                                ["bgFile"] = "Interface\\Addons\\VFL\\Skin\\white",
                                                ["_backdrop"] = "solid",
                                                ["tile"] = false,
                                                ["kg"] = 0,
                                                ["_border"] = "none",
                                                ["kb"] = 0,
                                                ["kr"] = 0,
                                }, -- [3]
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["feature"] = "hotspot",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["name"] = "hotspot",
                                        ["hlt"] = {
                                                ["vertexColor"] = {
                                                        ["a"] = 0.5,
                                                        ["b"] = 0,
                                                        ["g"] = 0,
                                                        ["r"] = 0,
                                                ["blendMode"] = "BLEND",
                                                ["path"] = "Interface\\Addons\\RDX_mediapack\\Halcyon\\HalI",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "Base",
                                        ["flo"] = 5,
                                        ["secure"] = 1,
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                }, -- [4]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "variables",
                                }, -- [5]
                                        ["feature"] = "var_inrange",
                                }, -- [6]
                                        ["feature"] = "var_IsMaxHealthPower",
                                }, -- [7]
                                        ["feature"] = "var_pred_health",
                                }, -- [8]
                                        ["feature"] = "Variable: Fractional health (fh)",
                                }, -- [9]
                                        ["set2"] = {
                                                ["file"] = "Builtin:range_15_30",
                                                ["class"] = "file",
                                        ["set1"] = {
                                                ["file"] = "Builtin:range_0_15",
                                                ["class"] = "file",
                                        ["set4"] = {
                                                ["file"] = "Builtin:range_40plus",
                                                ["class"] = "file",
                                        ["set3"] = {
                                                ["file"] = "Builtin:range_30_40",
                                                ["class"] = "file",
                                        ["raColor2"] = {
                                                ["a"] = 1,
                                                ["b"] = 0,
                                                ["g"] = 1,
                                                ["r"] = 1,
                                        ["raColor1"] = {
                                                ["a"] = 1,
                                                ["b"] = 0,
                                                ["g"] = 1,
                                                ["r"] = 0,
                                        ["feature"] = "Variables range",
                                        ["raColor3"] = {
                                                ["a"] = 1,
                                                ["b"] = 0,
                                                ["g"] = 0.5,
                                                ["r"] = 1,
                                        ["raColor4"] = {
                                                ["a"] = 1,
                                                ["b"] = 0,
                                                ["g"] = 0,
                                                ["r"] = 0.9,
                                }, -- [10]
                                        ["feature"] = "Variables: Status Flags (dead, ld, feigned)",
                                }, -- [11]
                                        ["feature"] = "Variable: Unit In Set",
                                        ["set"] = {
                                                ["file"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_dispel",
                                                ["class"] = "file",
                                        ["name"] = "dispel",
                                        ["showlink"] = 1,
                                }, -- [12]
                                        ["feature"] = "Variable: Unit In Set",
                                        ["name"] = "boss",
                                        ["set"] = {
                                                ["class"] = "file",
                                                ["file"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_bossindicator",
                                }, -- [13]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "color",
                                }, -- [14]
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Static Color",
                                        ["name"] = "black",
                                        ["color"] = {
                                                ["a"] = 1,
                                                ["b"] = 0,
                                                ["g"] = 0,
                                                ["r"] = 0,
                                }, -- [15]
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Static Color",
                                        ["name"] = "darkgray",
                                        ["color"] = {
                                                ["a"] = 1,
                                                ["b"] = 0.2,
                                                ["g"] = 0.2,
                                                ["r"] = 0.2,
                                }, -- [16]
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Unit Class Color",
                                }, -- [17]
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Two-Color Blend",
                                        ["name"] = "healthbg",
                                        ["colorVar1"] = "classColor",
                                        ["colorVar2"] = "black",
                                        ["bfVar"] = "0.4",
                                }, -- [18]
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Two-Color Blend",
                                        ["name"] = "healthoor",
                                        ["colorVar1"] = "classColor",
                                        ["colorVar2"] = "black",
                                        ["bfVar"] = "0.7",
                                }, -- [19]
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Two-Color Blend",
                                        ["name"] = "healthbgoor",
                                        ["colorVar1"] = "healthbg",
                                        ["colorVar2"] = "black",
                                        ["bfVar"] = "0.7",
                                }, -- [20]
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Conditional Color",
                                        ["name"] = "healthcond",
                                        ["colorVar1"] = "classColor",
                                        ["colorVar2"] = "healthoor",
                                        ["condVar"] = "inRange",
                                }, -- [21]
                                        ["condVar"] = "inRange",
                                        ["name"] = "healthcondbg",
                                        ["colorVar1"] = "healthbg",
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Conditional Color",
                                        ["colorVar2"] = "healthbgoor",
                                }, -- [22]
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Static Color",
                                        ["name"] = "red",
                                        ["color"] = {
                                                ["a"] = 1,
                                                ["r"] = 1,
                                                ["g"] = 0,
                                                ["b"] = 0,
                                }, -- [23]
                                        ["feature"] = "ColorVariable: Static Color",
                                        ["name"] = "darkred",
                                        ["color"] = {
                                                ["a"] = 1,
                                                ["r"] = 0.5,
                                                ["g"] = 0,
                                                ["b"] = 0,
                                }, -- [24]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "Conditional Alpha/Color",
                                }, -- [25]
                                        ["feature"] = "shader_ca",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["flag"] = "dead",
                                        ["owner"] = "main",
                                        ["falseAlpha"] = 1,
                                        ["trueAlpha"] = 0.5,
                                }, -- [26]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "Dead",
                                }, -- [27]
                                        ["feature"] = "Subframe",
                                        ["h"] = "27",
                                        ["name"] = "deadframe",
                                        ["flOffset"] = 5,
                                        ["owner"] = "Base",
                                        ["w"] = "53",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "Base",
                                }, -- [28]
                                        ["cleanupPolicy"] = 2,
                                        ["owner"] = "deadframe",
                                        ["w"] = "25",
                                        ["feature"] = "texture",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["name"] = "texdead",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "deadframe",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["drawLayer"] = "ARTWORK",
                                        ["texture"] = {
                                                ["blendMode"] = "BLEND",
                                                ["path"] = "Interface\\Addons\\VFL\\Skin\\x",
                                }, -- [29]
                                        ["color"] = "red",
                                        ["feature"] = "Highlight: Texture Map",
                                        ["flag"] = "dead",
                                        ["texture"] = "texdead",
                                }, -- [30]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "BGTEXTURE",
                                }, -- [31]
                                        ["feature"] = "Subframe",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["name"] = "texhealthframe",
                                        ["flOffset"] = 2,
                                        ["owner"] = "main",
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "main",
                                }, -- [32]
                                        ["cleanupPolicy"] = 2,
                                        ["owner"] = "texhealthframe",
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["feature"] = "texture",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["name"] = "texhealth",
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                                                ["dx"] = 0,
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                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["drawLayer"] = "ARTWORK",
                                        ["texture"] = {
                                                ["blendMode"] = "BLEND",
                                                ["path"] = "Interface\\Addons\\RDX_mediapack\\Halcyon\\HalI",
                                }, -- [33]
                                        ["color"] = "healthcondbg",
                                        ["feature"] = "Highlight: Texture Map",
                                        ["flag"] = "true",
                                        ["texture"] = "texhealth",
                                }, -- [34]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "SUBFRAME: phealth",
                                }, -- [35]
                                        ["feature"] = "Subframe",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["name"] = "phealthframe",
                                        ["flOffset"] = 3,
                                        ["owner"] = "main",
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "main",
                                }, -- [36]
                                        ["frac"] = "pfh",
                                        ["owner"] = "phealthframe",
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["feature"] = "statusbar_horiz",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["colorVar"] = "darkred",
                                        ["orientation"] = "HORIZONTAL",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["rp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["af"] = "phealthframe",
                                        ["name"] = "phealthbar",
                                        ["texture"] = {
                                                ["blendMode"] = "BLEND",
                                                ["path"] = "Interface\\Addons\\RDX_mediapack\\Halcyon\\HalI",
                                }, -- [37]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "SUBFRAME: health",
                                }, -- [38]
                                        ["feature"] = "Subframe",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["name"] = "healthframe",
                                        ["flOffset"] = 4,
                                        ["owner"] = "phealthframe",
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["rp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["af"] = "phealthframe",
                                }, -- [39]
                                        ["feature"] = "Subframe",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["name"] = "nameplateframe",
                                        ["flOffset"] = 5,
                                        ["owner"] = "healthframe",
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["rp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["af"] = "healthframe",
                                }, -- [40]
                                        ["color"] = "classColor",
                                        ["owner"] = "nameplateframe",
                                        ["w"] = "35",
                                        ["feature"] = "txt_np",
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                                                ["face"] = "Interface\\Addons\\VFL\\Fonts\\LiberationSans-Regular.ttf",
                                                ["justifyV"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["justifyH"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["sa"] = 1,
                                                ["sg"] = 0,
                                                ["name"] = "Default",
                                                ["sb"] = 0,
                                                ["title"] = "Default",
                                                ["sy"] = -1,
                                                ["sx"] = 1,
                                                ["sr"] = 0,
                                        ["version"] = 1,
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                                                ["dy"] = 7,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
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                                        ["name"] = "name",
                                        ["h"] = "24",
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                                        ["h"] = "25",
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                                        ["flOffset"] = 5,
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                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["rp"] = "TOPLEFT",
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                                        ["w"] = "35",
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                                                ["name"] = "Default",
                                                ["sb"] = 0,
                                                ["title"] = "Default",
                                                ["sy"] = -1,
                                                ["sx"] = 1,
                                                ["sr"] = 0,
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = -4,
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                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "healthtextframe",
                                        ["h"] = "24",
                                        ["ty"] = "hpm",
                                        ["name"] = "healthtext",
                                }, -- [43]
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                                        ["owner"] = "healthframe",
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["feature"] = "statusbar_horiz",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["colorVar"] = "healthcond",
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                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["rp"] = "TOPLEFT",
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                                        ["name"] = "healthbar",
                                        ["texture"] = {
                                                ["blendMode"] = "BLEND",
                                                ["path"] = "Interface\\Addons\\RDX_mediapack\\Halcyon\\HalI",
                                }, -- [44]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "SUBFRAME: dispel",
                                }, -- [45]
                                        ["feature"] = "Subframe",
                                        ["h"] = "26",
                                        ["name"] = "dispelframe",
                                        ["flOffset"] = 5,
                                        ["owner"] = "main",
                                        ["w"] = "52",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "main",
                                }, -- [46]
                                        ["feature"] = "shader_ca",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["flag"] = "inRange",
                                        ["owner"] = "dispelframe",
                                        ["falseAlpha"] = 0.3,
                                        ["trueAlpha"] = 1,
                                }, -- [47]
                                        ["feature"] = "backdrop",
                                        ["owner"] = "dispelframe",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["bkd"] = {
                                                ["_border"] = "fer4",
                                                ["edgeSize"] = 8,
                                                ["ba"] = 1,
                                                ["_backdrop"] = "none",
                                                ["edgeFile"] = "Interface\\AddOns\\RDX_mediapack\\Ferous\\Borders\\fer4",
                                                ["bb"] = 0,
                                                ["bg"] = 0,
                                                ["br"] = 1,
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                                                        ["top"] = 2,
                                                        ["right"] = 2,
                                                        ["left"] = 2,
                                                        ["bottom"] = 2,
                                }, -- [48]
                                        ["feature"] = "shader_showhide",
                                        ["owner"] = "dispelframe",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["flag"] = "dispel_flag",
                                }, -- [49]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "SUBFRAME: indicators",
                                }, -- [50]
                                        ["feature"] = "Subframe",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["name"] = "indicatorsframe",
                                        ["flOffset"] = 4.5,
                                        ["owner"] = "main",
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "main",
                                }, -- [51]
                                        ["cleanupPolicy"] = 2,
                                        ["owner"] = "indicatorsframe",
                                        ["w"] = "5",
                                        ["feature"] = "texture",
                                        ["h"] = "5",
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                                                ["dx"] = 1,
                                                ["dy"] = -1,
                                                ["lp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["rp"] = "TOPLEFT",
                                                ["af"] = "indicatorsframe",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["drawLayer"] = "ARTWORK",
                                        ["texture"] = {
                                                ["color"] = {
                                                        ["a"] = 1,
                                                        ["b"] = 1,
                                                        ["g"] = 1,
                                                        ["r"] = 1,
                                                ["blendMode"] = "BLEND",
                                }, -- [52]
                                        ["color"] = "rangeColor",
                                        ["feature"] = "Highlight: Texture Map",
                                        ["flag"] = "inRange",
                                        ["texture"] = "texrange",
                                }, -- [53]
                                        ["cleanupPolicy"] = 2,
                                        ["owner"] = "indicatorsframe",
                                        ["w"] = "5",
                                        ["feature"] = "texture",
                                        ["h"] = "5",
                                        ["name"] = "texboss",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = -1,
                                                ["dy"] = -1,
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                                                ["rp"] = "TOPRIGHT",
                                                ["af"] = "indicatorsframe",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["drawLayer"] = "ARTWORK",
                                        ["texture"] = {
                                                ["color"] = {
                                                        ["a"] = 1,
                                                        ["b"] = 1,
                                                        ["g"] = 1,
                                                        ["r"] = 1,
                                                ["blendMode"] = "BLEND",
                                }, -- [54]
                                        ["color"] = "darkred",
                                        ["feature"] = "Highlight: Texture Map",
                                        ["flag"] = "boss_flag",
                                        ["texture"] = "texboss",
                                }, -- [55]
                                        ["feature"] = "commentline",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["name"] = "SUBFRAME: summon",
                                }, -- [56]
                                        ["feature"] = "Subframe",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["name"] = "summonframe",
                                        ["flOffset"] = 5,
                                        ["owner"] = "Base",
                                        ["w"] = "51",
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "Base",
                                }, -- [57]
                                        ["feature"] = "shader_showhide",
                                        ["owner"] = "summonframe",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["flag"] = "false",
                                }, -- [58]
                                        ["txt"] = "SUMMON",
                                        ["color"] = "darkred",
                                        ["owner"] = "summonframe",
                                        ["w"] = "50",
                                        ["feature"] = "txt_static",
                                        ["h"] = "25",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["anchor"] = {
                                                ["dx"] = 0,
                                                ["dy"] = 0,
                                                ["lp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["rp"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["af"] = "summonframe",
                                        ["name"] = "summontext",
                                        ["font"] = {
                                                ["sr"] = 0,
                                                ["face"] = "Interface\\Addons\\VFL\\Fonts\\LiberationSans-Regular.ttf",
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                                                ["sx"] = 1,
                                                ["sa"] = 1,
                                                ["sg"] = 0,
                                                ["justifyH"] = "CENTER",
                                                ["sb"] = 0,
                                                ["sy"] = -1,
                                                ["title"] = "Default",
                                                ["name"] = "Default",
                                                ["size"] = 9,
                                }, -- [59]
                ["infoAuthor"] = "Unlimit",
                ["GRID_pvp_filterset"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "FilterSet",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                "groups", -- [1]
                                true, -- [2]
                                true, -- [3]
                                true, -- [4]
                                true, -- [5]
                                true, -- [6]
                                true, -- [7]
                                true, -- [8]
                                true, -- [9]
                ["GRID_dispel_priest"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "FilterSet",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                "or", -- [1]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@magic",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [2]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@disease",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [3]
                ["infoAuthorWebSite"] = "",
                ["GRID_dispel_mage"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "FilterSet",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                "or", -- [1]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@curse",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [2]
                ["infoAuthorRealm"] = "Demon Soul",
                ["infoVersion"] = "0.1.1",
                ["GRID_window"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "Window",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                        ["feature"] = "Frame: None",
                                }, -- [1]
                                        ["feature"] = "UnitFrame",
                                        ["design"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_unitframe",
                                }, -- [2]
                                        ["feature"] = "Data Source: Secure Set",
                                        ["set"] = {
                                                ["file"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_filterset",
                                                ["class"] = "file",
                                        ["rostertype"] = "RAID",
                                }, -- [3]
                                        ["feature"] = "Header Grid",
                                        ["dxn"] = 1,
                                        ["axis"] = 1,
                                        ["bkt"] = 2,
                                        ["cols"] = 5,
                                }, -- [4]
                                        ["feature"] = "mp_args",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["period"] = 0.07500000000000001,
                                        ["dpm1"] = 0,
                                }, -- [5]
                                        ["feature"] = "mousebindings",
                                        ["hotspot"] = "hotspot",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["mbFriendly"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_mousebindings",
                                }, -- [6]
                                        ["feature"] = "FilterSet Editor",
                                }, -- [7]
                ["GRID_dispel_default"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "IndirectSet",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                ["class"] = "empty",
                ["GRID_dispel_shaman"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "FilterSet",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                "or", -- [1]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@curse",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [2]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@disease",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [3]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@poison",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [4]
                ["GRID_dispel_druid"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "FilterSet",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                "or", -- [1]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@curse",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [2]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@poison",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [3]
                ["GRID_pvp_window"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "Window",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                        ["feature"] = "Frame: None",
                                }, -- [1]
                                        ["feature"] = "UnitFrame",
                                        ["design"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_unitframe",
                                }, -- [2]
                                        ["feature"] = "Data Source: Secure Set",
                                        ["set"] = {
                                                ["file"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_pvp_filterset",
                                                ["class"] = "file",
                                        ["rostertype"] = "RAID",
                                }, -- [3]
                                        ["feature"] = "Header Grid",
                                        ["dxn"] = 1,
                                        ["cols"] = 5,
                                        ["bkt"] = 2,
                                        ["axis"] = 1,
                                }, -- [4]
                                        ["feature"] = "mp_args",
                                        ["period"] = 0.07500000000000001,
                                        ["dpm1"] = 0,
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                }, -- [5]
                                        ["feature"] = "mousebindings",
                                        ["hotspot"] = "hotspot",
                                        ["version"] = 1,
                                        ["mbFriendly"] = "impossible_raid:GRID_mousebindings",
                                }, -- [6]
                                        ["feature"] = "FilterSet Editor",
                                }, -- [7]
                ["GRID_dispel_paladin"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "FilterSet",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
                                "or", -- [1]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@magic",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [2]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@disease",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [3]
                                        "set", -- [1]
                                                ["class"] = "debuff",
                                                ["buff"] = "@poison",
                                        }, -- [2]
                                }, -- [4]
                ["GRID_bossindicator"] = {
                        ["ty"] = "NominativeSet",
                        ["version"] = 1,
                        ["data"] = {
-- End Export Data
-- End RDX Data Export

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