--[[ Name: OneCompanion Version: 3.0.3.$Revision: 44 $ $Date: 2009-02-03 03:25:21 +0000 (Tue, 03 Feb 2009) $ Author(s): Mera_LaCroisadeEcarlate (ad@heapoverflow.com) Playing: Mera,Merae,Merah & FathisUles on EU FR-La Croisade Ecarlate ;) Website1: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info10746-OneCompanion.html Website2: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/onecompanion.aspx SVN: svn://svn.wowinterface.com/OneCompanion-237 Description: OneCompanion is an alternative to the default companion frame introduced in WotLK that combines all your companions and mounts into one fully customizable frame ]] --[[ à : \195\160 è : \195\168 ì : \195\172 ò : \195\178 ù : \195\185 Ä : \195\132 À : \195\128 á : \195\161 é : \195\169 í : \195\173 ó : \195\179 ú : \195\186 Ö : \195\150 Á : \195\129 â : \195\162 ê : \195\170 î : \195\174 ô : \195\180 û : \195\187 Ü : \195\156 Ç : \195\135 ã : \195\163 ë : \195\171 ï : \195\175 õ : \195\181 ü : \195\188 ß : \195\159 È : \195\136 ä : \195\164 ñ : \195\177 ö : \195\182 É : \195\137 æ : \195\166 ø : \195\184 Ê : \195\138 ç : \195\167 œ : \197\147 Í : \195\141 Ï : \195\143 ]] if not (select(4,GetBuildInfo()) >= 30000) then return end local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(("$Revision: 44 $"):match("%d+")) if MINOR_VERSION > _G.OneCompanion_MINOR_VERSION then _G.OneCompanion_MINOR_VERSION = MINOR_VERSION end if not GetLocale() == "frFR" then return end local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("OneCompanion", "frFR", false) if not L then return end L["AceGUI"] = "AceGUI" L["Open the Ace3 config window"] = "Ouvrir la fen\195\170tre de configuration Ace3" --L["RockConfig"] = "RockConfig" --L["Open the Rock config window"] = "Ouvrir la fen\195\170tre de configuration LibRockConfig" L["BlizzardUI"] = "BlizzardUI" L["Open the Blizzard config window"] = "Ouvrir la fen\195\170tre de configuration par d\195\169faut Blizzard" L["Display"] = "Affichage" L["Display options"] = "Options d'affichage" L["Options"] = "Options" L["AddOn options"] = "Options de l'AddOn" L["Sizes"] = "Tailles" L["Sizes options"] = "Options de tailles" L["Colors"] = "Couleurs" L["Colors options"] = "Options de couleur" L["Misc"] = "Divers" L["Miscellaneous options"] = "Options divers d'affichage" L["Settings"] = "Configuration" --L["Border padding"] = "Espacement bordure" --L["Change the size between each border's button and the border"] = "Change l'espacement entre chaque bouton en bordure et la bordure" L["Lock Breanni"] = "Bloquer Breanni" L["Lock the position of Breanni's icon"] = "Bloque la position de l'ic\195\180ne de Breanni" L["Lock inventory"] = "Bloquer inventaire" L["Lock the position of the companion's inventory bag"] = "Bloque la position de la fen\195\170tre inventaire des compagnons" L["Base strata"] = "Strata base" L["Change the base frame strata"] = "Change la strata de la frame de base" L["Button strata"] = "Strata bouton" L["Change the button frames strata"] = "Change la strata de la frame de chaque bouton" L["Breanni scale"] = "\195\137chelle de Breanni" L["Change the Breanni's button scale"] = "Change l'\195\169chelle du bouton Breanni" L["Companion preview"] = "Aper\195\167u des compagnons" L["Click to open/close the 3D preview window"] = "Clic pour ouvrir/fermer la fen\195\170tre d'aper\195\167u 3D des compagnons" L["Ctrl-click any companion icon to show its 3D preview"] = "Ctrl-clic sur un compagnon pour afficher son aper\195\167u 3D" L["Click to open/close the Ace3 configuration window"] = "Clic pour ouvrir/fermer la fen\195\170tre de configuration Ace3" L["Ctrl-click to show the 3D preview"] = "Ctrl-clic pour afficher l'aper\195\167u 3D" L["Border style"] = "Style bordure" L["Change the border style"] = "Change le style des bordures" L["Styles"] = "Styles" L["Styles options"] = "Options de styles" L["Background style"] = "Style arri\195\168re-plan" L["Change the background style"] = "Change le style de l'arri\195\168re-plan" L["tile"] = "tile" L["Change the background tile"] = "Change la valeur tile de l'arri\195\168re-plan" L["tileSize"] = "tileSize" L["Change the background tileSize"] = "Change la valeur tileSize de l'arri\195\168re-plan" L["edgeSize"] = "edgeSize" L["Change the background edgeSize"] = "Change la valeur edgeSize des bordures" L["insetLeft"] = "insetLeft" L["Change the insetLeft value"] = "Change la valeur insetLeft de l'arri\195\168re-plan" L["insetRight"] = "insetRight" L["Change the insetRight value"] = "Change la valeur insetRight de l'arri\195\168re-plan" L["insetTop"] = "insetTop" L["Change the insetTop value"] = "Change la valeur insetTop de l'arri\195\168re-plan" L["insetBottom"] = "insetBottom" L["Change the insetBottom value"] = "Change la valeur insetBottom de l'arri\195\168re-plan" L["Main frame"] = "Frame principale" L["Footer frame"] = "Frame du bas" L["Model frame"] = "Frame aper\195\167u 3D" L["Background"] = "Arri\195\168re-plan" L["Change the background color"] = "Change la couleur de l'arri\195\168re-plan" L["Border"] = "Bordure" L["Change the border color"] = "Change la couleur de la bordure" L["Button frames"] = "Frames des boutons" L["Height"] = "Hauteur" L["Change the height"] = "Change la hauteur" L["Width"] = "Largeur" L["Change the width"] = "Change la largeur" L["Scale"] = "\195\137chelle" L["Change the scale"] = "Change l'\195\169chelle" L["Padding"] = "Espacement" L["Change the padding"] = "Change l'espacement" L["Tooltips frames"] = "Frames des tooltips" L["Lock frames"] = "Bloquer frames" L["Stratas"] = "Stratas" L["Clamp"] = "Attacher" L["Clamp to the screen"] = "Attache \195\160 l'\195\169cran pour \195\169viter d'en sortir" L["Hide grip"] = "Masquer l'encrage" L["Hide the grip"] = "Masquer l'encrage de redimensionnement" L["Hide"] = "Masquer" L["Hide or show the tooltips shown on mouseovering AddOn icons"] = "Masquer les tooltips au passage du curseur de la souris"