local PocketPlot = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, Minimap) local LSM = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") local widgetLists = AceGUIWidgetLSMlists local fonts = widgetLists.font local class = select(2, UnitClass("player")) local classColor, movershown, clockFrame, clockTime, db, options local Minimap = Minimap local MinimapZoneTextButton = MinimapZoneTextButton local GameTimeFrame = GameTimeFrame local MiniMapTracking = MiniMapTracking local QueueStatusMinimapButton = QueueStatusMinimapButton local MiniMapMailFrame = MiniMapMailFrame local MiniMapVoiceChatFrame = MiniMapVoiceChatFrame local MiniMapMeetingStoneFrame = MiniMapMeetingStoneFrame local TimeManagerClockFrame = TimeManagerClockFrame PP_oldMinimap, PP_oldDurabilityFrame, PP_oldVehicleSeatIndicator = nil local _G = _G local mover, moverText local coordframe = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, Minimap) coordframe:SetHeight(28) --height of clock button coordframe:SetWidth(100) coordframe:EnableMouse(true) local coords = coordframe:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY") coords:SetParent(coordframe) coords:SetFont("Interface\\AddOns\\PocketPlot\\media\\negotiate_free.ttf", 12) --temporary local frames = { "None", "Minimap", "DurabilityFrame", "VehicleSeatIndicator", "MiniMapInstanceDifficulty", "GuildInstanceDifficulty", "MiniMapChallengeMode", "WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame", } local stratae = {"BACKGROUND", "LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH", "DIALOG"} local allshapes = { "Square", "Rectangle", "Rounded", "Torn", "Slanted", "Circle", "Compass", "Flower", "Fancy Frame", "Scalloped", "Zigzag Round", "Zigzag Square" } --need these 2 tables for minimap button paths local squareMasks = { ["Square"] = true, ["Rectangle"] = true, ["Rounded"] = true, ["Torn"] = true, ["Slanted"] = true, ["Fancy Frame"] = true, ["Scalloped"] = true, ["Zigzag Square"] = true, } local roundMasks = { ["Circle"] = true, ["Compass"] = true, ["Flower"] = true, ["Zigzag Round"] = true, } local fontFlags = {"None", "Outline", "Monochrome Outline"} --, "Monochrome"} local blips = { "default", "default light", "default soft", "default sharp", "PPblips", "PPblips sharp", "PPblips bigger", "PPblips comic", "PPblips comic bigger", } local defaults = { shape = "Square", blips = "PPblips", lsmfont = "Blue Highway", fontFlag = "Outline", zoneText = true, zoneSize = 14, --font size clockSize = 16, --font size scale = 1, --scale of the minimap mapPos = {x = -10, y = -10}, --offset of the minimap from the top right corner. If you wish to change where the minimap is anchored, see the "Minimap Location and Size" section below Note: this will move the quest tracker, etc, unless you use other addons to control those frames. bg = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0}, --border colors (red, green, blue) -- values are a range from 0-1 (0,0,0 is black and 1,1,1 is white) mmAlpha = 1, combHide = false, alpha = 1, top = false, coords = true, clock = true, coordSize = 16, classbg = false, classfont = false, textOffset = 0, zoneTextOffset = 0, insets = 4, strata = "BACKGROUND", level = 2, } local function ClassColors() if db.classbg then PocketPlot:SetBackdropColor(classColor.r, classColor.g, classColor.b, db.alpha) else PocketPlot:SetBackdropColor(db.bg.r-.05,db.bg.g-.05,db.bg.b-.05,db.alpha) end if db.classfont then clockTime:SetTextColor(classColor.r, classColor.g, classColor.b) coords:SetTextColor(classColor.r, classColor.g, classColor.b) else clockTime:SetTextColor(1,1,1) coords:SetTextColor(1,1,1) end end local function CombatHide() if db.combHide then PocketPlot:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") PocketPlot:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") PocketPlot:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self,event) if event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" then Minimap:Hide() else Minimap:Show() end end) else PocketPlot:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") PocketPlot:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") end end local function SetShape() Minimap:SetMaskTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\PocketPlot\\media\\"..db.shape) PocketPlot:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\PocketPlot\\media\\"..db.shape }) if squareMasks[db.shape] then --so minimap buttons follow the square shape instead of round GetMinimapShape = function() return "SQUARE" end elseif roundMasks[db.shape] then GetMinimapShape = function() return "ROUND" end end end local function SetPosition(frame) if mover and mover:IsShown() then local r,_,a,x,y = mover:GetPoint() db[frame] = {["r"]=r, ["p"]="UIParent",["a"]=a,["x"]=x,["y"]=y} end _G[frame]:ClearAllPoints() _G[frame]:SetPoint(db[frame].r, _G[db[frame].p], db[frame].a, db[frame].x, db[frame].y) if not _G["PP_old"..frame] then _G["PP_old"..frame] = _G[frame].SetPoint _G[frame].SetPoint = function(self, a,b,c,d,e, ...) local a,b,c,d,e = db[frame].r, _G[db[frame].p], db[frame].a, db[frame].x, db[frame].y return _G["PP_old"..frame](self, a,b,c,d,e, ...) end end end local function MoveFrames(frame) if not mover then mover = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) mover:SetBackdrop({bgFile ="Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8x8",}) mover:SetBackdropColor(.2,.2,.9,.6) mover:SetMovable(1) mover:SetFrameStrata("HIGH") mover:Hide() moverText = mover:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY") moverText:SetFont("Fonts\\ARIALN.ttf", 15, "OUTLINE") moverText:SetParent(mover) moverText:SetPoint("CENTER") mover:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() mover:StartMoving() end) mover:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() mover:StopMovingOrSizing() SetPosition(movershown) end) end if frame == "None" then mover:SetScale(1) mover:Hide() mover:EnableMouse(0) return else mover:Show() moverText:SetText(frame) mover:EnableMouse(1) mover:SetScale(_G[frame]:GetScale()) mover:ClearAllPoints() mover:SetAllPoints(frame) end end local function MapSetup() --restore moved frame positions-- for i=1, #frames do if db[frames[i]] then SetPosition(frames[i]) end end --MINIMAP LOCATION AND SIZE Minimap:SetScale(db.scale) --this says that the minimap is set to 90% scale Minimap:SetFrameStrata(db.strata) Minimap:SetFrameLevel(db.level) Minimap:SetAlpha(db.mmAlpha) --ZONE TEXT MinimapZoneTextButton:SetParent("Minimap") MinimapZoneTextButton:ClearAllPoints() MinimapZoneTextButton:SetPoint("TOP", Minimap, "TOP", 0, -1 + db.zoneTextOffset) --where the zone text is located MinimapZoneTextButton:SetFrameLevel(5) MinimapZoneText:ClearAllPoints() MinimapZoneText:SetPoint("CENTER") MinimapZoneText:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font", db.lsmfont), db.zoneSize, db.fontFlag) --font and font size for zone text if not db.zoneText then MinimapZoneTextButton:Hide() end --MINIMAP ICONS/BLIPS if db.blips == "default" then Minimap:SetBlipTexture("Interface\\Minimap\\OBJECTICONS") else Minimap:SetBlipTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\PocketPlot\\media\\"..db.blips) end --MAKE THE MINIMAP SQUARE WITH A THIN BORDER MinimapBorder:Hide() SetShape() PocketPlot:SetFrameLevel(1) PocketPlot:SetPoint("CENTER", Minimap, "CENTER") local dims = Minimap:GetWidth() PocketPlot:SetHeight(dims + db.insets) PocketPlot:SetWidth(dims + db.insets) --MAKE THE MINIMAP ZOOM WITH MOUSEWHEEL MinimapZoomIn:Hide() MinimapZoomOut:Hide() Minimap:EnableMouseWheel(true) Minimap:SetScript("OnMouseWheel", function(_, zoom) if zoom > 0 then Minimap_ZoomIn() else Minimap_ZoomOut() end end) --CLOCK FRAME if not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_TimeManager") then LoadAddOn("Blizzard_TimeManager") end clockFrame, clockTime = TimeManagerClockButton:GetRegions() clockFrame:Hide() clockTime:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font", db.lsmfont), db.clockSize, db.fontFlag) clockTime:SetAllPoints(TimeManagerClockButton) if not db.clock then --toggle the clock, since CVar is removed in 4.0 TimeManagerClockButton:Hide() end --CALENDAR BUTTON/FRAME GameTimeFrame:SetAlpha(0) --calendar button (old day/night indicator) --Set alpha to 0 so that it's still hidden, but we'll see the ? flash for new invites GameTimeFrame:EnableMouse(false) --so that we don't get the tooltip/click behavior still GameTimeCalendarInvitesTexture:SetParent("Minimap") --the ? texture --right click to open the calendar (but do it without pinging the map) local oldOnClick = Minimap:GetScript("OnMouseUp") Minimap:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function(self, click) if click == "RightButton" then ToggleCalendar() else oldOnClick(self) end end) --TRACKING ICON/MENU --MiniMapTrackingButton:SetAlpha(0) MiniMapTrackingButtonBorder:SetAlpha(0) MiniMapTrackingBackground:Hide() MiniMapTracking:ClearAllPoints() MiniMapTracking:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", Minimap, "BOTTOMLEFT", -4, -5) --where the tracking icon/menu is located MiniMapTracking:SetScale(.9) MiniMapTrackingIcon:SetTexCoord(0.07,0.93,0.07,0.93) --BATTLEGROUND AND LFG QUEUE ICON QueueStatusMinimapButtonBorder:Hide() QueueStatusMinimapButton:ClearAllPoints() QueueStatusMinimapButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", Minimap, "BOTTOMLEFT", 27, -4) --where the queue icon is located --QueueStatusFrame:SetClampedToScreen(true) --NEW MAIL ICON MiniMapMailBorder:Hide() MiniMapMailFrame:ClearAllPoints() MiniMapMailFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", Minimap, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 4, -5) --where the mail icon is located MiniMapMailIcon:SetTexture("Interface\\Minimap\\Tracking\\Mailbox.blp") --VOICE CHAT ICON MiniMapVoiceChatFrameBorder:Hide() MiniMapVoiceChatFrameBackground:Hide() MiniMapVoiceChatFrame:ClearAllPoints() MiniMapVoiceChatFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", Minimap, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -25, -5) --MISC. THINGS TO HIDE MiniMapWorldMapButton:Hide() --default keybinding for world map is M MinimapNorthTag:SetAlpha(0) --Hide() wasn't working, but SetAlpha() is... MinimapBorderTop:Hide() CombatHide() --Check to see if we should hide the minimap in combat --hide icons and zone text til mouseover --Minimap:SetScript("OnEnter", function() if db.mouseover then ShowOnMouseover() end end) --Minimap:SetScript("OnLeave", function() if db.mouseover then HideOnMouseOut() end end) MinimapCluster:EnableMouse(false) --so you can still click the game world/turn in the upper right corner --COORDINATES coords:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font",db.lsmfont), db.coordSize, db.fontFlag) --thanks, Elviswind, for shadow code to match clock coords:SetShadowOffset(1,-1) coords:SetShadowColor(0,0,0,1) coords:SetAllPoints(coordframe) if not db.coords then coordframe:Hide() end --COLOR BORDER AND CLOCK/COORDS BY CLASS IF ENABLED ClassColors() end local function CoordPosition() local clockshown = db.clock local coordshown = db.coords TimeManagerClockButton:ClearAllPoints() coordframe:ClearAllPoints() if not db.top then if clockshown and not coordshown then TimeManagerClockButton:SetPoint("TOP", Minimap, "BOTTOM", 0, 0 + db.textOffset) clockTime:SetJustifyH("CENTER") end if coordshown and not clockshown then coords:SetJustifyH("CENTER") coordframe:SetPoint("TOP", Minimap, "BOTTOM", 0, 0 + db.textOffset) end if clockshown and coordshown then TimeManagerClockButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Minimap, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, 0 + db.textOffset) clockTime:SetJustifyH("LEFT") coords:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") coordframe:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", Minimap, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 + db.textOffset) end else if clockshown and not coordshown then TimeManagerClockButton:SetPoint("BOTTOM", Minimap, "TOP", 2, 0 + db.textOffset) clockTime:SetJustifyH("CENTER") end if coordshown and not clockshown then coords:SetJustifyH("CENTER") coordframe:SetPoint("BOTTOM", Minimap, "TOP", 0, 0 + db.textOffset) end if clockshown and coordshown then TimeManagerClockButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", Minimap, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 + db.textOffset) clockTime:SetJustifyH("LEFT") coords:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") coordframe:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", Minimap, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0 + db.textOffset) end end end local function SetUpDB() if PocketPlotPCDB.charSpec then --set defaults if new charSpec DB for k,v in pairs(defaults) do if type(PocketPlotPCDB[k]) == "nil" then PocketPlotPCDB[k] = v end end db = PocketPlotPCDB else db = PocketPlotDB end end options = { name = "PocketPlot Options", type = "group", args = { header0 = { name = "General options", type = "header", order = 0, }, shape = { name = "Minimap Shape", desc = "Set the shape of the minimap.", type = "select", values = allshapes, get = function() for k, v in pairs(allshapes) do if db.shape == v then return k end end end, set = function(_,key) db.shape = allshapes[key] SetShape() ClassColors() end, order = 1, }, blips = { name = "Tracking Blips", desc = "Set the style of tracking blips (POI) on the minimap.", type = "select", values = blips, get = function() for k, v in pairs(blips) do if db.blips == v then return k end end end, set = function(_,key) db.blips = blips[key] if db.blips == "default" then Minimap:SetBlipTexture("Interface\\Minimap\\OBJECTICONS") else Minimap:SetBlipTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\PocketPlot\\media\\"..db.blips) end end, order = 2, }, scale = { name = "Minimap Scale", desc = "Set the scale of the minimap.", type = "range", min = .25, max = 2, step = .05, get = function() return db.scale end, set = function(_,value) db.scale = value Minimap:SetScale(value) end, order = 3, }, mmAlpha = { name = "Minimap Alpha", desc = "Set the transparency of the minimap.", type = "range", min = 0.05, max = 1, step = .05, get = function() return db.mmAlpha end, set = function(_,value) db.mmAlpha = value Minimap:SetAlpha(value) end, order = 4, }, strata = { name = "Minimap Strata", desc = "Set the strata of the minimap and how it layers with other elements in your interface.", type = "select", values = stratae, get = function() for k, v in pairs(stratae) do if db.strata == v then return k end end end, set = function(_,key) db.strata = stratae[key] Minimap:SetFrameStrata(db.strata) end, order = 5, }, level = { name = "Strata Level", desc = "Nudge the minimap up and down different levels on its frame strata.", type = "range", min = 1, max = 10, step = 1, get = function() return db.level end, set = function(_,value) db.level = value Minimap:SetFrameLevel(db.level) end, order = 6, }, combHide = { name = "Hide in Combat", desc = "Hide the minimap when in combat.", type = "toggle", get = function() return db.combHide end, set = function() db.combHide = not db.combHide CombatHide() end, order = 7, }, header1 = { name = "Border options", type = "header", order = 8, }, border = { name = "Border Color", desc = "Select a color for the minimap's border.", type = "color", disabled = function() return db.classbg end, -- hasAlpha = true, get = function() return db.bg.r, db.bg.g, db.bg.b end, set = function(_,r,g,b) db.bg.r,db.bg.g,db.bg.b = r,g,b ClassColors() end, order = 9, }, classbg = { name = "Class colored border", desc = "Color the minimap border by your class.", type = "toggle", get = function() return db.classbg end, set = function() db.classbg = not db.classbg ClassColors() end, order = 10, }, insets = { name = "Border size", desc = "Set the width of the border around the minimap.", type = "range", min = .5, max = 10, step = .5, get = function() return db.insets end, set = function(_,value) db.insets = value local dims = Minimap:GetWidth() PocketPlot:SetHeight(dims + value) PocketPlot:SetWidth(dims + value) end, order = 11, }, alpha = { name = "Border Alpha", desc = "Set the alpha for the minimap border.", type = "range", min = 0, max = 1, step = .05, get = function() return db.alpha end, set = function(_,alpha) db.alpha = alpha ClassColors() end, order = 12, }, header2 = { name = "Text options", type = "header", order = 13, }, font = { name = "Font", desc = "Select a font to use.", type = "select", dialogControl = "LSM30_Font", values = fonts, get = function() return db.lsmfont end, set = function(_,font) db.lsmfont = font clockTime:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font", db.lsmfont), db.clockSize, db.fontFlag) MinimapZoneText:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font", db.lsmfont), db.zoneSize, db.fontFlag) coords:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font",db.lsmfont), db.coordSize, db.fontFlag) end, order = 14, }, fontFlag = { name = "Font Flag", desc = "Set how to alter the displayed font.", type = "select", values = fontFlags, get = function() for k, v in pairs(fontFlags) do if db.fontFlag == v then return k end end end, set = function(_,key) db.fontFlag = fontFlags[key] clockTime:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font", db.lsmfont), db.clockSize, db.fontFlag) MinimapZoneText:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font", db.lsmfont), db.zoneSize, db.fontFlag) coords:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font",db.lsmfont), db.coordSize, db.fontFlag) end, order = 15, }, zonesize = { name = "Zone Text Size", desc = "Change the font size of the Zone Text.", type = "range", min = 6, max = 24, step = 1, get = function() return db.zoneSize end, set = function(_,size) db.zoneSize = size MinimapZoneText:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font",db.lsmfont), db.zoneSize, db.fontFlag) end, order = 16, }, clocksize = { name = "Clock Text Size", desc = "Change the font size of the clock.", type = "range", min = 6, max = 24, step = 1, get = function() return db.clockSize end, set = function(_,size) db.clockSize = size clockTime:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font",db.lsmfont), db.clockSize, db.fontFlag) end, order = 17, }, coordsize = { name = "Coords Text Size", desc = "Change the font size of the coordinates.", type = "range", min = 6, max = 24, step = 1, get = function() return db.coordSize end, set = function(_,size) db.coordSize = size coords:SetFont(LSM:Fetch("font",db.lsmfont), db.coordSize, db.fontFlag) end, order = 18, }, classfont = { name = "Class colored text", desc = "Color the clock and coordinates by your class.", type = "toggle", get = function() return db.classfont end, set = function() db.classfont = not db.classfont ClassColors() end, order = 19, }, coords = { name = "Display coords", desc = "Toggle showing the coordinates display.", type = "toggle", get = function() return db.coords end, set = function() db.coords = not db.coords if db.coords then coordframe:Show() else coordframe:Hide() end CoordPosition() end, order = 20, }, clock = { name = "Display clock", desc = "Toggle showing the clock.", type = "toggle", get = function() return db.clock end, set = function() db.clock = not db.clock if db.clock then TimeManagerClockButton:Show() else TimeManagerClockButton:Hide() end CoordPosition() end, order = 21, }, zoneText = { name = "Display zone text", desc = "Toggle showing the zone text.", type = "toggle", get = function() return db.zoneText end, set = function() db.zoneText = not db.zoneText if db.zoneText then MinimapZoneTextButton:Show() else MinimapZoneTextButton:Hide() end end, order = 22, }, top = { name = "Clock/coords on top", desc = "Toggle showing the clock and coordinates above or below the map.", type = "toggle", get = function() return db.top end, set = function() db.top = not db.top CoordPosition() end, order = 23, }, textOffset = { name = "Clock/Coord Offset", desc = "Vertical offset for the clock and coordinates.", type = "range", min = -50, max = 50, step = 1, get = function() return db.textOffset end, set = function(_,offset) db.textOffset = offset CoordPosition() end, order = 23.5, }, zoneTextOffset = { name = "Zone Text Offset", desc = "Vertical offset for the zone text.", type = "range", min = -50, max = 50, step = 1, get = function() return db.textOffset end, set = function(_,offset) db.zoneTextOffset = offset MinimapZoneTextButton:ClearAllPoints() MinimapZoneTextButton:SetPoint("TOP", Minimap, "TOP", 0, -1 + db.zoneTextOffset) end, order = 23.75, }, header3 = { name = "Frame Locations", type = "header", order = 24, }, movers = { name = "Enable mover for...", desc = "Shows an anchor to move the selected frame.", type = "select", values = frames, get = function() if movershown then for k,v in pairs(frames) do if v == movershown then return k end end else return 1 --key for "None" in frames table end end, set = function(_,frame) movershown = frames[frame] MoveFrames(movershown) end, order = 25, }, reset = { name = "Restore Positions", desc = "Clicking this will restore all frames to their default positions.\n\n|c00E30016WARNING:|r Your UI will be reloaded in the process!", type = "execute", confirm = true, func = function() for i=1, #frames do db[frames[i]] = nil end ReloadUI() end, order = 26, }, div3 = { name = " ", type = "description", order = 26.4, }, nudgehelp = { name = "Nudge the selected mover...", type = "description", order = 26.5, }, nudgeL = { name = "Left", desc = "Nudge the frame 1px to the left.", type = "execute", width = "half", disabled = function() return movershown == "None" or movershown == nil end, func = function() if not db[movershown] then SetPosition(movershown) end local frame = _G[movershown] db[movershown].x = db[movershown].x - 1 frame:ClearAllPoints() frame:SetPoint(db[movershown].r, db[movershown].p, db[movershown].a, db[movershown].x, db[movershown].y) mover:ClearAllPoints() mover:SetAllPoints(frame) end, order = 27, }, nudgeR = { name = "Right", desc = "Nudge the frame 1px to the right.", type = "execute", width = "half", disabled = function() return movershown == "None" or movershown == nil end, func = function() if not db[movershown] then SetPosition(movershown) end local frame = _G[movershown] db[movershown].x = db[movershown].x + 1 frame:ClearAllPoints() frame:SetPoint(db[movershown].r, db[movershown].p, db[movershown].a, db[movershown].x, db[movershown].y) mover:ClearAllPoints() mover:SetAllPoints(frame) end, order = 28, }, nudgeU = { name = "Up", desc = "Nudge the frame 1px towards the top of the screen.", type = "execute", width = "half", disabled = function() return movershown == "None" or movershown == nil end, func = function() if not db[movershown] then SetPosition(movershown) end local frame = _G[movershown] db[movershown].y = db[movershown].y + 1 frame:ClearAllPoints() frame:SetPoint(db[movershown].r, db[movershown].p, db[movershown].a, db[movershown].x, db[movershown].y) mover:ClearAllPoints() mover:SetAllPoints(frame) end, order = 29, }, nudgeD = { name = "Down", desc = "Nudge the frame 1px towards the bottom of the screen.", type = "execute", width = "half", disabled = function() return movershown == "None" or movershown == nil end, func = function() if not db[movershown] then SetPosition(movershown) end local frame = _G[movershown] db[movershown].y = db[movershown].y - 1 frame:ClearAllPoints() frame:SetPoint(db[movershown].r, db[movershown].p, db[movershown].a, db[movershown].x, db[movershown].y) mover:ClearAllPoints() mover:SetAllPoints(frame) end, order = 30, }, div4 = { name = " ", type = "description", order = 31, }, header4 = { name = "Profile", type = "header", order = 32, }, charSpec = { name = "Character specific settings", desc = "Have this character use their own profile. If checked, any changes made will not affect other characters.\n\n|c00E30016WARNING:|r Your UI will be reloaded in the process!", type = "toggle", width = "full", confirm = true, get = function() return PocketPlotPCDB.charSpec end, set = function() PocketPlotPCDB.charSpec = not PocketPlotPCDB.charSpec ReloadUI() end, order = 33, }, copyProfile = { name = "Copy from Default", desc = "Copy all settings from the default, global profile to this character's profile. This will not effect other characters' specific profiles.\n\n|c00E30016WARNING:|r Your UI will be reloaded in the process!", type = "execute", confirm = true, disabled = function() return not PocketPlotPCDB.charSpec end, func = function() PocketPlotPCDB = PocketPlotDB PocketPlotPCDB.charSpec = true ReloadUI() end, order = 34, }, resetProfile = { name = "Profile Reset", desc = "Reset this profile back to the out-of-the-box settings. If you reset the character specific profile, the global profile will be untouched, and vice versa. This will not effect other character specific profiles.\n\n|c00E30016WARNING:|r Your UI will be reloaded in the process!", type = "execute", confirm = true, func = function() if PocketPlotPCDB.charSpec then PocketPlotPCDB = {charSpec = true} else PocketPlotDB = {} end ReloadUI() end, order = 35, }, }, } local function PlayerLogin() PocketPlotDB = PocketPlotDB or {} PocketPlotPCDB = PocketPlotPCDB or {} if PocketPlotPCDB.charSpec == nil then PocketPlotPCDB.charSpec = false end for k,v in pairs(defaults) do if type(PocketPlotDB[k]) == "nil" then PocketPlotDB[k] = v end end SetUpDB() classColor = CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS and CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS[class] or RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class] if CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS then CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS:RegisterCallback(ClassColors) end LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("PocketPlot", options) PocketPlot.optionsFrame = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("PocketPlot", "PocketPlot") SlashCmdList["POCKETPLOT"] = function() InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory("PocketPlot") end SLASH_POCKETPLOT1 = "/pocketplot" SLASH_POCKETPLOT2 = "/pp" MapSetup() CoordPosition() PocketPlot:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") end --this is here instead of in the above function because Grid would throw some dumb error that shouldn't have been occuring, imo LSM:Register("font", "Negotiate Free", "Interface\\AddOns\\PocketPlot\\media\\negotiate_free.ttf") coordframe:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_LEFT") GameTooltip:AddLine("Location Functions", 1,1,1) GameTooltip:AddLine("Click to display the world map.") GameTooltip:AddLine("Shift-click to input your coordinates into chat.") GameTooltip:Show() end) coordframe:SetScript("OnLeave", function() GameTooltip:Hide() end) coordframe:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() if IsShiftKeyDown() then ChatFrame1EditBox:Insert("["..coords:GetText().."]") else ToggleFrame(WorldMapFrame) end end) local throttle = 0 local coordx, coordy coordframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) throttle = throttle + elapsed if throttle >= .3 then coordx,coordy = GetPlayerMapPosition("player") coords:SetFormattedText("%.1f/%.1f", coordx*100, coordy*100) throttle = 0 end end) PocketPlot:SetScript("OnEvent", PlayerLogin) PocketPlot:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN")