WoWInterface SVN PowerAurasClassic

[/] [trunk/] [PowerAuras/] [localisation_zhCN.lua] - Rev 24

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if (GetLocale() == "zhCN") then
PowaAuras.Anim[0] = "[无]";
PowaAuras.Anim[1] = "静止";
PowaAuras.Anim[2] = "闪光效果";
PowaAuras.Anim[3] = "生长效果";
PowaAuras.Anim[4] = "脉冲效果";
PowaAuras.Anim[5] = "气泡效果";
PowaAuras.Anim[6] = "水滴效果";
PowaAuras.Anim[7] = "漏电效果";
PowaAuras.Anim[8] = "收缩效果";
PowaAuras.Anim[9] = "火焰效果";
PowaAuras.Anim[10] = "盘旋效果";

PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[0] = "[无]";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[1] = "放大进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[2] = "缩小进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[3] = "改变透明度";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[4] = "左边进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[5] = "左上进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[6] = "上部进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[7] = "右上进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[8] = "右边进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[9] = "右下进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[10] = "下部进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[11] = "左下进入";
PowaAuras.BeginAnimDisplay[12] = "Bounce";

PowaAuras.EndAnimDisplay[0] = "[无]";
PowaAuras.EndAnimDisplay[1] = "放大进入";
PowaAuras.EndAnimDisplay[2] = "缩小进入";
PowaAuras.EndAnimDisplay[3] = "改变透明度";

PowaAuras.Sound[0] = "[无]";
PowaAuras.Sound[1] = "升级音效";
PowaAuras.Sound[2] = "抬取金币";
PowaAuras.Sound[3] = "飞过";
PowaAuras.Sound[4] = "探索新地图";
PowaAuras.Sound[5] = "接到任务";
PowaAuras.Sound[6] = "任务完成";
PowaAuras.Sound[7] = "写任务";
PowaAuras.Sound[8] = "钓鱼";
PowaAuras.Sound[9] = "PVP事件";
PowaAuras.Sound[10] = "团队检查";
PowaAuras.Sound[11] = "团队警告";
PowaAuras.Sound[12] = "打开拍卖行";
PowaAuras.Sound[13] = "关闭拍卖行";
PowaAuras.Sound[14] = "消消话";
PowaAuras.Sound[15] = "打开背包";

PowaAuras.Text = {
        nomDebug = "调试模式",
        aideDebug = "打开调试模式后,将在聊天窗口显示特效的触发条件等信息",
        nomStance = "姿态",
        aideStance = "选择用于触发特效的姿态",
        nomCustomSound = "自定义声音文件:",
        nomTabSound = "声音",
        nomTabTimer = "计时器",
        welcome = "输入 /powa 打开特效编辑器.",                     

        aucune = "无",
        aucun = "无",
        largeur = "宽度",
        hauteur = "高度",
        mainHand = "主手",
        offHand = "副手",
        bothHands = "双手",

        DebuffType =
                Magic = "魔法",
                Disease = "疾病",
                Curse = "诅咒",
                Poison = "中毒",

        DebuffCatType =
                [PowaAuras.DebuffCatType.CC] = "CC",
                [PowaAuras.DebuffCatType.Silence] = "Silence",
                [PowaAuras.DebuffCatType.Snare] = "Snare",
                [PowaAuras.DebuffCatType.Stun] = "Stun",
                [PowaAuras.DebuffCatType.Root] = "Root",
                [PowaAuras.DebuffCatType.Disarm] = "Disarm",
                [PowaAuras.DebuffCatType.PvE] = "PvE",

        -- main
        nomEnable = "启用",
        aideEnable = "启用/禁用所有PowerAuras特效",
        ListePlayer = "分类",
        ListeGlobal = "全局",
        aideMove = "移动特效",
        aideCopy = "复制特效",
        nomRename = "重命名",
        aideRename = "重命名我的特效分类名",
        nomTest = "测试",
        nomHide = "全部隐藏",
        nomEdit = "编辑",
        nomNew = "新建",
        nomDel = "删除",
        nomImport = "Import", --- untranslated
        nomExport = "Export", --- untranslated
        aideImport = "Paste the Aura String to the editbox and press \'Accept\'", --- untranslated
        aideExport = "Copy the Aura String from the editbox to share with others.", --- untranslated
        aideDel = "删除所选特效(必须按住Ctrl键才能使用此功能)",
        nomMove = "移动",
        nomCopy = "复制",
        nomPlayerEffects = "我的特效",
        nomGlobalEffects = "通用特效",
        aideEffectTooltip = "按住Shift键点击图标以启用/禁用该特效",

        -- editor
        nomTexture = "当前材质",
        aideTexture = "显示特效使用的材质.你可以修改相应文件夹内的.tga 文件来增加特效",
        nomAnim1 = "动画效果",
        nomAnim2 = "辅助效果",
        aideAnim1 = "是否为所选材质使用动画效果",
        aideAnim2 = "此动画效果以较低不透明度显示,为了不过多占用屏幕同一时间只显示一个辅助效果",
        nomDeform = "变形",
        aideDeform = "在高度或宽度方向拉伸材质",
        aideColor = "点击此处修改材质颜色",
        aideFont = "Click here to pick Font. Press OK to apply the selection.", --- untranslated
        aideMultiID = "Enter here other Aura IDs to combine checks. Multiple IDs must be separated with '/'. Aura ID can be found as [#] on first line of Aura tooltip.", --- untranslated
        aideTooltipCheck = "Also check the tooltip starts with this text", --- untranslated
        aideBuff = "此处输入用于激活特效的buff的名字,或名字中的几个连续文字.如果使用分隔符,也可以输入多个buff的名字.例如输入: 能量灌注/奥术能量",
        aideBuff2 = "此处输入用于激活特效的debuff的名字,或名字中的几个连续文字.如果使用分隔符,也可以输入多个debuff的名字.例如输入: 堕落治疗/燃烧刺激",
        aideBuff3 = "此处输入用于激活特效的debuff的类型名称,或名称中的几个连续文字.如果使用分隔符,也可以输入多个debuff类型的名称.例如输入: 魔法/诅咒/中毒/疾病",
        aideBuff4 = "此处输入用于激活特效的AOE法术的名字,AOE法术名字可以在战斗记录中找到.例如输入:邪恶光环/火焰之雨/暴风雪",
        aideBuff5 = "Enter here the temporary enchant which must activate this effect : optionally prepend it with 'main/' or 'off/ to designate mainhand or offhand slot. (ex: main/crippling)", --- untranslated
        aideBuff6 = "此处输入用于激活特效的连击点数.例如输入: 1或者1/2/3或者0/4/5等等自由组合",
        aideBuff7 = "此处输入激活特效的动作条上的动作名,或名字中的几个连续文字,当此动作完全冷却时此效果触发.例如输入:赞达拉英雄护符/法力之潮图腾/心灵专注",
        aideSpells = "Enter here the Spell Name that will trigger a spell alert Aura.", --- untranslated
        aideStacks = "输入用于激活特效的操作符及叠加数量,只能输入一个操作符,例如:'<5' '>3' '=11' '!5' '>=0' '<=6' '2-8'", 
        aideUnitn = "此处输入用于激活特效的特定成员名称,必须处于同一团队",
    aideUnitn2 = "仅用于团队/队伍模式",    
        aideMaxTex = "定义特效编辑器使用的材质数量,如果你增加了自定义材质请修改此值.",
        aideAddEffect = "新增加一个特效",
        aideWowTextures = "使用游戏内置材质",
        aideTextAura = "Check this to type text instead of texture.", --- untranslated
        aideRealaura = "清晰光环",
        aideCustomTextures = "使用custom文件夹下的自定义材质,例如: Flamme.tga",--- untraslated (needs update to match enGB string)
        aideRandomColor = "每次激活时使用随机颜色",
        aideTexMode = "材质透明度反向显示",
        nomActivationBy = "激活条件",
        nomOwnTex = "使用技能图标", 
        aideOwnTex = "使用buff/debuff或技能的默认图标做为材质", 
        nomStacks = "叠加", 
        nomUpdateSpeed = "Update speed",
        nomSpeed = "运动速度",
        nomBegin = "进场效果",
        nomEnd = "结束效果",
        nomSymetrie = "对称性",
        nomAlpha = "不透明度",
        nomPos = "位置",
        nomTaille = "大小",
        nomExact = "精确匹配名称",
        nomThreshold = "触发极限",
        aideThreshInv = "Check this to invert the threshold logic. Health/Mana: default = Low Warning / checked = High Warning. Energy/Rage/Power: default = High Warning / checked = Low Warning", --- untranslated
        nomThreshInv = "</>", 
        nomGCD = "公共冷却",
        aideGCD = "选中此项后'动作冷却'功能将检测公共冷却.需要注意的是,如果一个技能只有公共冷却则会引起光环特效闪烁",
        nomMine = "Cast by me", --- untranslated        
        nomDispellable = "I can dispell",
        nomSound = "播放声音",
        aideSound = "特效触发时播放声音",
        aideCustomSound = "输入声音文件名称,如cookie.mp3 注意:你需要在游戏启动前把声音文件放入Sounds文件夹下,目前仅支持mp3和wav格式.",
        nomCheckBuff = "Buff",
        nomCheckDebuff = "Debuff",
        nomCheckAoeDebuff = "AOE法术",
        nomCheckDebuffType = "Debuff类型",
        nomCheckEnchant = "武器强化",
        nomCheckCombo = "连击点数",
        nomCheckSkill = "动作冷却",
        nomCheckHealth = "生命值",
        nomCheckMana = "魔法值",
        nomCheckRageEnergy = "Rage/Energy/Runic", -- untranslated
        nomCheckAggro = "获得仇恨", 
        nomCheckPvP = "PvP标志", 
        nomCheckStance = "姿态", 
        nomCheckSpells = "Spell Alert", --- untranslated
        nomCheckOwnSpell = "Spell from my Spellbook", 
        nomCheckTarget = "敌方目标",
        nomCheckFriend = "友方目标",
        nomCheckParty = "团队目标",
  nomCheckFocus = "焦点目标",
  nomCheckRaid = "团队成员",
   nomCheckGroupOrSelf = "Raid/Party or self",
 nomCheckGroupAny = "Any", --- untranslated
  nomCheckOptunitn = "特定成员",

        aideTarget = "此buff/debuff仅存在于敌方目标上",
        aideTargetFriend = "此buff/debuff仅存在于友方目标上",
        aideParty = "此buff/debuff仅存在于小队中",
        aideGroupOrSelf = "Check this to test a party or raid member or self.",
        aideFocus = "此buff/debuff仅存在焦点目标上",
        aideRaid = "此buff/debuff仅存在于团队中",
        aideGroupAny = "Check to test if any party/raid member is buffed. Default (unchecked), all must be buffed.", --- untranslated
        aideOptunitn = "此buff/debuff仅存在于团队/小队中的特定成员身上",
        aideExact = "选中此项将精确匹配buff/debff名称",
        aideMine = "Check this to test only buffs/debuffs cast by the player", --- untranslated
        nomCheckShowTimer = "显示",
        nomTimerDuration = "延迟消失",
        aideTimerDuration = "目标上的buff/debuff计时器延迟到此时间结束后再消失(0为禁用)",
        aideShowTimer = "为此效果显示计时器",
        aideSelectTimer = "选择使用何种计时器来显示持续时间",
        aideSelectTimerBuff = "选择使用何种计时器来显示持续时间(仅用于玩家buff)",
        aideSelectTimerDebuff = "选择使用何种计时器来显示持续时间(仅用于玩家debuff)",
        nomCheckInverse = "不存在时激活",
        aideInverse = "选中此项后,仅当buff/debuff不存在时显示此特效",     
        nomCheckIgnoreMaj = "忽略大小写",      
        aideIgnoreMaj = "选中此项将忽略buff/debuff名字的大小写字母(供英文玩家使用,中国玩家不需要修改此项)",
        nomDuration = "延迟消失",
        aideDuration = "特效延迟到此时间结束后再消失(0为禁用)",
        nomCentiemes = "显示百分位",
        nomDual = "显示两个计时器",
        nomHideLeadingZeros = "Hide Leading Zeros",
        nomTransparent = "Use transparent textures",
        nomClose = "关闭",
        nomEffectEditor = "特效编辑器",
        nomAdvOptions = "选项",
        nomMaxTex = "最大可用材质",
        nomTabAnim = "动画",
        nomTabActiv = "条件",
        nomWowTextures = "使用内置材质",
        nomCustomTextures = "使用自定义材质",
    nomRealaura = "清晰光环",
        nomTextAura = "Text Aura", --- untranslated
        nomRandomColor = "随机颜色",
        nomTexMode = "光晕效果",
        nomInCombat = "战斗状态",
        aideInCombat = "仅当你处于战斗状态时才激活此特效",
        nomTalentGroup1 = "Spec 1",
        aideTalentGroup1 = "Show this effect only when you are in your primary talent spec.",
        nomTalentGroup2 = "Spec 2",
        aideTalentGroup2 = "Show this effect only when you are in your secondary talent spec.",
        nomNotInCombat = "非战斗状态",
        aideNotInCombat = "仅在非战斗状态时才激活此特效",
        nomIsMounted = "骑乘状态",
        aideIsMounted = "仅在玩家处于骑乘状态时激活特效.",
        nomInVehicle = "Only if in Vehicle", -- untranslated
        aideInVehicle = "Checked: Only when in vehicle. Uncheked: Only when not in vehicle.", -- untranslated
        nomIsInRaid = "团队模式", 
        aideIsInRaid = "仅在团队模式里才激活此特效.",
    nomResting = "Only if Resting",
    aideResting  = "Checked: Only when Resting. Uncheked: Only when not Resting.",



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