WoWInterface SVN QuestGuruTracker

[/] [trunk/] [QuestGuru_Tracker/] [localization.lua] - Rev 6

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-- QuestGuru_Tracker English Localization --

        -- Default filler words used in various places
        QG_UNKNOWN = "Unknown";
        QG_NONE = "None";

        -- Right click menu strings for Quest Log and Tracker
        QG_TRACK = "Track";
        QG_UNTRACK = "Untrack";
        QG_SHARE_QUEST = "Share Quest";
        QG_ABANDON_QUEST = "Abandon Quest";
        QG_DELETE_QUEST = "Delete Quest";

        -- Party Info Tooltip strings
        QG_ABANDONED = "Abandonded"
        QG_INCOMPLETE = "Not Complete";
        QG_ACTIVE = "Active";
        QG_ALT_STATUS_HEAD = "------------- Alts Quest Status -------------";
        QG_GUILD_STATUS_HEAD = "---------- Guild Members Status ----------";

        -- User Interface Elements
        QG_EXPAND_HEADERS = "Expand/Collapse all headers";
        QG_OPTIONS = "Options";
        QG_SEARCH = "Search: ";
        QG_CLEAR_ABANDON = "Clear Abandon List";

        -- Tracker
        QG_TRACKER_SHOW = "Show Tracker";
        QG_TRACKER_MINIMIZE = "Minimize Tracker";
        QG_TRACKER_OPTIONS = "Tracker Options";
        QG_TRACKER_TOGGLE = "Click to switch between Quest and Achievement tracking. Right-click to toggle showing both windows";
        QG_TRACKER_SORT = "Click to open a menu with quest sorting options";
        QG_TRACKER_QUESTS = "Quests";
        QG_TRACKER_ACHIEVE = "Achievements";
        QG_TRACKER_Q = "Q"; --Abbreviation for Quest for toggle button
        QG_TRACKER_A = "A"; --Abbreviation for Achievement for toggle button

        -- Options
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_DESC = "These options change the look of the QuestGuru Tracker.\nChanges to these settings are saved immediately.";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_BORDER = "Show border";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_BORDER_DESC = "Check this option to display a thin border around the tracker";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_ITEMICONS = "Show quest item icons";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_ITEMICONS_DESC = "Check this option to display icons for special quest items";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_CLICKTHROUGH = "Click through tracker";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_CLICKTHROUGH_DESC = "Check this option to disable the mouse for the tracker, allowing you to click through it";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_HEADERS = "Show headers";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_HEADERS_DESC = "Checking this option displays zone headers in the tracker";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_LEVELS = "Show quest levels";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_LEVELS_DESC = "Checking this option shows quest level information in the tracker";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_QUEST_TOOLTIPS = "Show quest tooltips";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_QUEST_TOOLTIPS_DESC = "Checking this option displays a tooltip with more information when you mouse over a quest name or objective item in the tracker";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_PARTY_TOOLTIPS = "Show party tooltips";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_PARTY_TOOLTIPS_DESC = "Checking this option displays the party/alt/guild info tooltip when you mouse over a quest name in the tracker";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_PERCENT = "Show quest percent";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_PERCENT_DESC = "This option shows your quest progress percentage next to the quest name in the tracker";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM = "Anchor Bottom";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_DESC = "Anchor the bottom of the tracker to make it expand upwards.";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_PIN = "Pin Tracker Position";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_PIN_DESC = "Check this option to lock the tracker in place so it can't be accidentally moved.";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_AUTOUNTRACK = "Untrack complete quests";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_AUTOUNTRACK_DESC = "Automatically remove quests from the tracker upon completion of all objectives";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_COMPLETE_OBJ = "Show completed objectives";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_COMPLETE_OBJ_DESC = "Uncheck this option to hide complete objectives in the tracker";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_COLOR_OBJ = "Colorize objective progress";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_COLOR_OBJ_DESC = "Check this option to color objectives based on progress using the colors below";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_OBJ_COLOR_0 = "Color for objectives that are 0% complete";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_OBJ_COLOR_99 = "Color for objectives that are 99% complete";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_OBJ_COLOR_COMPLETE = "Color for objectives that are complete";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_SIZE = "Tracker Size";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_MAX_LINES = "Max. Tracker Lines:";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_ALPHA = "Background Alpha";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_BULLET = "Bullet symbol to use for objectives:";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_HIDECOMBAT = "Hide during combat";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_HIDECOMBAT_DESC = "Selecting this option will automatically hide the tracker(s) during combat.";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_HIDEBLIZZTRACK = "Hide Blizzard Tracker";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_HIDEBLIZZTRACK_DESC = "Select this option will hide the default Blizzard tracker. Uncheck if special functions of that tracker are needed.";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_SORTQUESTNONE = "Sort by header/quest level";
        QG_OPT_TRACKER_SORTQUESTPROX = "Sort by proximity";

        -- Other strings that may or may not need localizing
        QG_ITEM_REQ_STR = "(.*):%s*([%d]+)%s*/%s*([%d]+)"; -- The format of the line when an item is required for a quest, an invalid format can cause many errors
        QG_ITEM_REQ_STR2 = "(.*):%s*%(([%d]+)%)"; -- The format of the line when an item is required for a quest, an invalid format can cause many errors (alternate format for some quests)
        QG_DATETIME = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"; -- The format that date/time values are stored and displayed for start/finish info

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