WoWInterface SVN RaidWatch2

[/] [trunk/] [RaidWatch_Coliseum/] [Locales/] [zhTW.lua] - Rev 22

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local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW-Boss-The Beasts of Northrend", "zhTW")
if not L then return end
L["YellP2"] = "準備面對酸喉和懼鱗的雙重夢魘吧,英雄們,快就定位!"
L["YellP3"] = "下一場參賽者的出場連空氣都會為之凝結:冰嚎!戰個你死我活吧,勇士們!"
L["YellPull"] = "來自風暴群山最深邃,最黑暗的洞穴。歡迎『穿刺者』戈莫克!戰鬥吧,英雄們!"
L["burrow"] = "鑽地冷卻"
L["burrow_msg"] = "下一次鑽地"
L["charge_target"] = "^%%s 怒視著 (%S+) ,發出震耳咆哮!"
L["gormok"] = "『穿刺者』戈莫克"
L["health_frames"] = "血量框"
L["icehowl"] = "冰嚎"
L["jormungars"] = "酸喉與懼鱗"
L["next"] = "下一首領計時條"
L["next_msg"] = "%s 來臨了!"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW-Boss-Lord Jaraxxus", "zhTW")
if not L then return end
L["YellPull"] = "大術士威爾弗雷德 · 菲斯巴恩將會召喚你們的下一個挑戰者。等待他的豋場吧。"
L["start"] = "戰鬥開始計時條"
L["start_msg"] = "%s 啟動"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW-Boss-Faction Champions", "zhTW")
if not L then return end
L["YellVictory"] = "那只是讓你們知道將來必須面對的命運。為了部落!"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW-Boss-The Twin Val'kyr", "zhTW")
if not L then return end
L["YellVictory"] = "膚淺而悲痛的勝利。今天痛失的生命反而令我們更加的頹弱。除了巫妖王之外,誰還能從中獲利?偉大的戰士失去了寶貴生命。為了什麼?真正的威脅就在前方 - 巫妖王在死亡的領域中等著我們。"
L["change_essence"] = "轉換至 %s!"
L["change_essence_dark"] = "轉換到黑暗"
L["change_essence_light"] = "轉換到光明"
L["change_essence_opt"] = "變換顏色警告"
L["healthframes"] = "盾血量框"
L["interrupt"] = "中斷!"
L["interrupt_opt"] = "當能夠中斷治療時"
L["interrupted_msg"] = ">%s< 中斷了治療!"
L["next_special"] = "下一個特技: (%s)"
L["next_special_opt2"] = "下一個特技冷卻"
L["next_special_pre_msg"] = "10秒內施展特技 (%s)!"
L["next_special_pre_msg_opt"] = "下一特技10秒訊息"
L["next_special_pre_warn_opt"] = "下一特技10秒警告"
L["next_speical_opt"] = "下一個特技計時條"
L["shield_warning"] = "另一雙子開盾,轉換目標!"
L["shield_warning_opt"] = "另一雙子開盾警告"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW-Boss-Anub'arak", "zhTW")
if not L then return end
L["YellPull"] = "這裡將會是你們的墳墓!"
L["adds_msg"] = "新中蟲"
L["adds_opt"] = "新小怪生出"
L["adds_subopt"] = "下一波計時條"
L["burrow_m_otp"] = "10秒警告"
L["burrow_msg"] = "10秒內 %s "
L["burrow_opt"] = "鑽入/鑽出地底"
L["burrow_t_opt"] = "計時條"
L["burrow_text"] = "鑽入地底"
L["burrow_timer"] = "%s"
L["emerge_text"] = "鑽出地面"
L["emote_burrow"] = "%s 鑽入至地底了!"
L["emote_emerge"] = "%s 鑽出地面來!"

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