WoWInterface SVN RaidWatch2

[/] [trunk/] [RaidWatch_Core/] [Locales/] [esES.lua] - Rev 22

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local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Base", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["BOSS_ENGAGE"] = "Engaged %s."
-- L["BOSS_WIN"] = "%s defeated after %s."
-- L["BOSS_WIPE"] = "Wiped against %s after %s, %.1f%%"
-- L["BOTTOM"] = "Bottom"
-- L["CASTER"] = "Caster"
-- L["COMBATTIME"] = "%d |4minute:minutes; and %d |4second:seconds;"
-- L["COMBATTIME_MIN"] = "%d |4minute:minutes;"
-- L["COMBATTIME_SEC"] = "%d |4second:seconds;"
-- L["CORE_ENABLED"] = "Enabled: v%s (r%s) %s"
-- L["DEAD"] = "Dead"
-- L["HARD"] = "Heroic"
-- L["HEALER"] = "Healer"
-- L["LEFT"] = "Left"
-- L["MELEE"] = "Melee"
-- L["MONOCHROME"] = "Monochrome"
-- L["NONE"] = "None"
-- L["NORMAL"] = "Normal"
-- L["OUTLINE"] = "Outline"
-- L["RIGHT"] = "Right"
-- L["TANK"] = "Tank"
-- L["THICK_OUTLINE"] = "Thick Outline"
-- L["TOP"] = "Top"
-- L["UNKNOWN"] = "unknown"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Base", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["ALERT_PLUGINS"] = "Alert Plugins"
-- L["ALERT_PLUGINS_DESC"] = "Under this category you will find all plugins that are used to warn or give you information during bossfights and their settingss"
-- L["ALPHA"] = "Alpha"
-- L["APPEARANCE"] = "Appearance"
-- L["BACKGROUND_COLOR"] = "Background Color"
-- L["BAR"] = "Timer"
-- L["BARS"] = "Bars"
-- L["BAR_BERSERK"] = "Berserk timer"
-- L["BAR_BERSERK_DESC"] = "Show a timer for Berserk"
-- L["BAR_CAST"] = "Cast"
-- L["BAR_CAST_DESC"] = "Show the cast bar for |cff98F5FF%s|r"
-- L["BAR_CD"] = "Cooldown"
-- L["BAR_CD_DESC"] = "Show the cooldown bar for |cff98F5FF%s|r"
-- L["BAR_COLOR"] = "Bar color"
--[==[ L["BAR_DESC"] = [=[A selection of different timer bars
available for the selected option]=] ]==]
-- L["BAR_DUR"] = "Duration"
-- L["BAR_DUR_DESC"] = "Show a bar with the duration of |cff98F5FF%s|r"
-- L["BAR_DUR_STACK"] = "Duration with stack count"
--[==[ L["BAR_DUR_STACK_DESC"] = [=[Show a bar that shows the
stack count of |cff98F5FF%s|r]=] ]==]
-- L["BAR_DUR_TARGET"] = "Duration on target"
--[==[ L["BAR_DUR_TARGET_DESC"] = [=[Show a bar with the name
of the target of |cff98F5FF%s|r]=] ]==]
-- L["BAR_DUR_TARGET_STACK"] = "Duration on target with stack count"
--[==[ L["BAR_DUR_TARGET_STACK_DESC"] = [=[Show a bar with the name of the
target of 
|cff98F5FF%s|r including number of stacks]=] ]==]
-- L["BAR_NORMAL"] = "General bar"
-- L["BAR_NORMAL_DESC"] = "Show a general timer bar"
-- L["BAR_TEXTURE"] = "Bar texture"
-- L["BERSKER_OPTION"] = "Berserk (%s)"
-- L["BORDER"] = "Border"
-- L["BORDER_COLOR"] = "Border color"
-- L["BORDER_SIZE"] = "Border size"
-- L["BORDER_TEXTURE"] = "Border texture"
-- L["BOSS_MODS"] = "Boss Mods"
-- L["BOSS_PLUGINS"] = "Boss Plugins"
-- L["BOSS_PLUGINS_DESC"] = "Plugins to be used in some boss encounters"
-- L["CENTER_HOR"] = "Center Horizontally"
-- L["CENTER_VERT"] = "Center Vertically"
-- L["CHARACTER"] = "Character"
-- L["CLASS"] = "Class"
-- L["CLOSE"] = "Close"
-- L["COLOR"] = "Color"
-- L["COLORS"] = "Colors"
-- L["CONFIGURE"] = "Configure"
-- L["DEFAULT_COLOR"] = "Default Color"
-- L["DEFAULT_SOUND"] = "Default sound"
-- L["DELETE"] = "Delete"
-- L["DIRECTION"] = "Direction"
-- L["DIRECTION_DESC"] = "Handy arrows showing you the direction of things"
-- L["DIRECTION_FROM"] = "Direction away from target"
-- L["DIRECTION_FROM_DESC"] = "Shows a direction helper away from the target"
-- L["DIRECTION_TO"] = "Direction to target"
-- L["DIRECTION_TO_DESC"] = "Shows a direction helper towards the target"
-- L["DOWN"] = "Down"
-- L["DURATION"] = "Duration"
-- L["ENABLED"] = "Enabled"
-- L["FLASH"] = "Flash"
-- L["FONT"] = "Font"
-- L["FONT_COLOR"] = "Font color"
-- L["FONT_MAIN"] = "Font settings"
-- L["FONT_OUTLINE"] = "Font outline"
-- L["FONT_OUTLINE_DESC"] = "The type out outlining of the fonts"
-- L["FONT_SIZE"] = "Font size"
-- L["FORMAT_BAR_BERSERK"] = "Berserk"
-- L["FORMAT_BAR_CAST"] = "%s"
-- L["FORMAT_BAR_CD"] = "%s (CD)"
-- L["FORMAT_BAR_DUR"] = "%s (D)"
-- L["FORMAT_BAR_DUR_STACK"] = "%s x %d"
-- L["FORMAT_BAR_DUR_TARGET"] = "%s: >%s<"
-- L["FORMAT_BAR_DUR_TARGET_STACK"] = "%s: >%s< x %d"
-- L["FORMAT_BAR_NORMAL"] = "%s"
-- L["FORMAT_MESSAGE_CAST"] = "Casting: <%s>"
-- L["FORMAT_MESSAGE_PHASE"] = "Phase: %d"
-- L["FORMAT_MESSAGE_SOON"] = "%s in %s!"
-- L["FORMAT_MESSAGE_STACK"] = "%s x %d"
-- L["FORMAT_MESSAGE_TARGET"] = "%s: >%s<"
-- L["FORMAT_MESSAGE_TARGET_STACK"] = "%s: >%s< x %d"
-- L["FORMAT_WARNING_CAST"] = "Casting: %s"
-- L["FORMAT_WARNING_ONYOU"] = "%s on you!"
-- L["GROW_UP"] = "Grow upwards"
-- L["GROW_UP_DESC"] = "Toggle growing upwards or downwards."
-- L["HEIGHT"] = "Height"
-- L["HIDE"] = "Hide"
-- L["HIDE_ALL"] = "Hide All"
-- L["ICON"] = "Icon"
-- L["ICON_DESC"] = "Enable/Disable icons used for this event"
-- L["INSET"] = "Inset"
-- L["INTERNAL_SPACING"] = "Internal Spacing"
-- L["LAYOUT"] = "Layout"
-- L["LEFT"] = "Left"
-- L["LOAD"] = "Load"
-- L["MESSAGE"] = "Message"
-- L["MESSAGE_CAST"] = "Cast message"
-- L["MESSAGE_CAST_DESC"] = "Show a message when |cff98F5FF%s|r is cast"
--[==[ L["MESSAGE_DESC"] = [=[A selection of messages available
for the selected option]=] ]==]
-- L["MESSAGE_NORMAL"] = "General message"
-- L["MESSAGE_NORMAL_DESC"] = "Show a general message"
-- L["MESSAGE_PHASE"] = "Phase message"
-- L["MESSAGE_PHASE_DESC"] = "Show a message when entering a new phase"
-- L["MESSAGE_SOON"] = "Soon message"
-- L["MESSAGE_SOON_DESC"] = "Show a message when the event is about to happen"
-- L["MESSAGE_STACK"] = "Stack message"
-- L["MESSAGE_STACK_DESC"] = "Show a message with information about number of stacks"
-- L["MESSAGE_TARGET"] = "Target message"
-- L["MESSAGE_TARGET_DESC"] = "Show a message when someone is target of |cff98F5FF%s|r"
-- L["MESSAGE_TARGET_STACK"] = "Target stack message"
--[==[ L["MESSAGE_TARGET_STACK_DESC"] = [=[Show a message when someone is target of
|cff98F5FF%s|r and how many stacks]=] ]==]
-- L["MISC"] = "Misc"
-- L["MISC_PLUGINS_DESC"] = "Miscellaneous plugins."
-- L["NAME"] = "Name"
-- L["NEWS"] = "News"
-- L["PARTY"] = "Party"
-- L["PHASE_SWITCH"] = "Phase Switch"
-- L["PLAY_SOUND"] = "Play Sound"
-- L["PLUGINS"] = "Plugins"
-- L["POSITION"] = "Position"
-- L["RAID_ICON"] = "Raid Icon"
-- L["RANGE"] = "Range"
-- L["RANGE_CHECK_OPTION"] = "Range check for %s (%dy)"
-- L["REFRESH"] = "Refresh"
-- L["RENAME"] = "Rename"
-- L["RESET"] = "Reset"
-- L["RIGHT"] = "Right"
-- L["SHOW"] = "Show"
-- L["SIZE"] = "Size"
-- L["SOUND"] = "Sound"
-- L["SPACING"] = "Spacing"
-- L["TEST"] = "Test"
-- L["TEXTURE"] = "Texture"
-- L["TEXTURE_MAIN"] = "Texture settings"
-- L["UP"] = "Up"
-- L["VERTICAL_SPACING"] = "Vertical Spacing"
-- L["WARNING"] = "Warning"
-- L["WARNING_CAST"] = "Spell casting warning"
-- L["WARNING_CAST_DESC"] = "Show a warning when |cff98F5FF%s|r is casted"
--[==[ L["WARNING_DESC"] = [=[A selection of warnings available
for the selected option]=] ]==]
-- L["WARNING_INFO"] = "Personal warning"
-- L["WARNING_NORMAL"] = "General warning"
-- L["WARNING_NORMAL_DESC"] = "Show a warning for the selected option"
-- L["WARNING_ONYOU"] = "On You warning"
-- L["WARNING_ONYOU_DESC"] = "Show a warning when you are the target of something"
-- L["WARNING_RUNAWAY"] = "Runaway warning"
--[==[ L["WARNING_RUNAWAY_DESC"] = [=[Show a warning when you need
to run away due to |cff98F5FF%s|r]=] ]==]
-- L["WIDTH"] = "Width"
-- L["battleground"] = "Battleground"
-- L["party"] = "Party"
-- L["raid"] = "Raid"

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