WoWInterface SVN RaidWatch2

[/] [trunk/] [RaidWatch_Plugins/] [Locales/] [esES.lua] - Rev 22

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local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Bars", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["ANIMATE"] = "Animate"
-- L["ANIMATE_SPEED"] = "Animation speed"
-- L["ANIMATE_TRANSITIONS_DESC"] = "Toggle the use of animating transitions"
-- L["ANIMATION"] = "Animation"
-- L["COPY_SETTINGS"] = "Copy settings from"
-- L["CREATE_ANCHOR"] = "Create new anchor"
--[==[ L["DESC"] = [=[This plugin provides timer bars. They can show timers for boss abillities including cooldowns, cast bars, enrage timer and more. They will also show timers for important events that happen during an encounter.
 On the "Flash & Aniumation" Tab you can set bars to switch to new anchors at sertain remaining time.

|cffffff66Shift + Right Click:|r Cancel and hide them.
|cffffff66Shift + Left Click:|r Announce to your party/raid]=] ]==]
-- L["FADE_OUT_TIME"] = "Fade out time"
-- L["FADE_OUT_TIME_DESC"] = "Control the time it takes for each message to fade out."
-- L["FILL_BARS"] = "Fill bars"
-- L["FILL_BARS_DESC"] = "Toggle if bars should fill up or empty out as they progress."
-- L["FLASH"] = "Flash"
-- L["FLASH_COLOR"] = "Flash Color"
-- L["FLASH_DESC"] = "Toggle if the bars should start flashing at the selected Flash start time."
-- L["FLASH_SPEED"] = "Flash Speed"
-- L["FLASH_STARTTIME"] = "Flash start time"
-- L["HIDE_ANCHORS"] = "Hide Anchors"
-- L["ICON_POSITION"] = "Icon Postion"
-- L["NAME"] = "Timers"
-- L["REVERSE_SORTING"] = "Reverse Sorting"
-- L["REVERSE_SORTING_DESC"] = "Toggle reveresed sorting of bars"
-- L["SECONDARY_ANCHOR"] = "Secondary Anchor"
-- L["SECONDARY_JUMP_TIME"] = "Remaining time to jump to secondary"
-- L["SHOW_ANCHORS"] = "Show Anchors"
-- L["SHOW_ICON"] = "Show Icon"
-- L["SHOW_ICON_DESC"] = "Toggle if the icons should be visible or not."
-- L["TEST_BAR"] = "Test bar"
-- L["TEXT_FONT"] = "Text font"
-- L["TIMER_SIDE"] = "Time Text side"
-- L["TIMER_TEXT_FONT"] = "Timer text font"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Direction", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["BARS"] = "Bars"
-- L["DECREASE_RANGE"] = "Decrease Range"
--[==[ L["DESC"] = [=[This plugin provides a window that will show people who are in range to you. The range depends on the reason the window is shown.

Can be toggle with the slash command |cffffff66/range|r]=] ]==]
-- L["DISTANCE"] = "Distance"
-- L["FILTER"] = "Filter"
-- L["FILTER_ACTIVE"] = "Filter Active Status"
--[==[ L["FILTER_ACTIVE_DESC"] = [=[Indicates if a filter is active or not.
|cff00ff00Green|r = Filter active, else not active
Click to deatctivate filter.]=] ]==]
-- L["ICONS"] = "Icons"
-- L["ICON_SIDE"] = "Class icon side"
-- L["INCREASE_DECREASE_DESC"] = "Hold shift to change in steps of 5y, else the step will be 1y"
-- L["INCREASE_RANGE"] = "Increase Range"
-- L["LOCK"] = "Lock"
-- L["LOCK_DESC"] = "This prevents boss mods from overriding settings made to the range check, such as filters and hiding the window."
-- L["NAME"] = "Range Check"
-- L["NAMES"] = "Names"
-- L["NAME_FILET_DESC"] = "The settings for the party filter is not saved between sessions. So after a relog or client restart it will be needed to set up again. This is because your party may change over time and the filter would not be accurate."
-- L["NO_AUTO_HIDE"] = "Prevent getting hidden by bossmods"
-- L["NO_AUTO_HIDE_DESC"] = "This will prevent any bossmods from hiding the range check at any point during encounters."
-- L["NR_NAMES"] = "Number of visible names"
-- L["RANGE"] = "Range (%dy)"
-- L["RESET_FILTERS"] = "Reset Filters"
-- L["REVERSE_BARS"] = "Reverse Bars"
-- L["REVERSE_BARS_DESC"] = "If reversed, the bars will fill up the close you get to the person instead of filling up as you move away from the person."
-- L["SHOW_CLASS_ICON"] = "Show class icons"
-- L["SHOW_CLOSE"] = "Show close people first"
-- L["SHOW_CLOSE_DESC"] = "Toggle if people close to you should be shown first or those furthest away (within the range)"
-- L["SHOW_RAID_ICON"] = "Show raid icon"
-- L["TITLE"] = "Title"
-- L["TITLE_COLOR"] = "Title Color"
-- L["TITLE_HEIGHT"] = "Title Height"
-- L["USE_CLASS_COLORS"] = "Use class colors"
-- L["USE_CLASS_FILTER"] = "Use Class filter"
-- L["USE_GRADIENT"] = "Use color gradient"
-- L["USE_GRADIENT_DESC"] = "If color gradient is turned on, the alpha setting of the color will have no effect"
-- L["USE_NAME_FILTER"] = "Use Party filter"
-- L["USE_RAIDICON_FILTER"] = "Use Raid Icon filter"
-- L["WINDOW"] = "Window"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Flash", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["DESC"] = "This plugin will provide a screen flash for important warnings that deserves extra attention"
-- L["MAX_ALPHA"] = "Max Alpha"
-- L["NAME"] = "Screen Flash"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-MultiPurposeBars", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["COPY_SETTINGS"] = "Copy settings from"
-- L["CREATE_ANCHOR"] = "Create new anchor"
--[==[ L["DESC"] = [=[This plugins provides not only display for health of NPCs, but can also show stacks of certain buffs, mana situation for selected unit and more.

|cffffff66Shift + Right Click:|r Cancel and hide them.]=] ]==]
-- L["HIDE_ANCHORS"] = "Hide Anchors"
-- L["HIDE_BLIZZ"] = "Hide Blizzard Boss health frames"
-- L["ICON_POSITION"] = "Icon Side"
-- L["NAME"] = "Multi-Purpose Bars"
-- L["PERCENT_SIDE"] = "Show percent on"
-- L["SHOW_ANCHORS"] = "Show Anchors"
-- L["SHOW_ICON"] = "Show Icon"
-- L["SHOW_ICON_DESC"] = "Toggle if icons/models should be shown at all"
-- L["USE_MODEL"] = "Use 3D-model"
-- L["USE_MODEL_DESC"] = "Will on effect new frames, it will also only be used when monitoring a unit of some sort"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Messages", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["CHAT_OUTPUT"] = "Chat output"
-- L["DESC"] = "This plugin will show popup messages about important events and such"
-- L["FADE_OUT_TIME"] = "Fade out time"
-- L["NAME"] = "Messages"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Range", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["BARS"] = "Bars"
-- L["DECREASE_RANGE"] = "Decrease Range"
--[==[ L["DESC"] = [=[This plugin provides a window that will show people who are in range to you. The range depends on the reason the window is shown.

Can be toggle with the slash command |cffffff66/range|r]=] ]==]
-- L["DISTANCE"] = "Distance"
-- L["FILTER"] = "Filter"
-- L["FILTER_ACTIVE"] = "Filter Active Status"
--[==[ L["FILTER_ACTIVE_DESC"] = [=[Indicates if a filter is active or not.
|cff00ff00Green|r = Filter active, else not active
Click to deatctivate filter.]=] ]==]
-- L["ICONS"] = "Icons"
-- L["ICON_SIDE"] = "Class icon side"
-- L["INCREASE_DECREASE_DESC"] = "Hold shift to change in steps of 5y, else the step will be 1y"
-- L["INCREASE_RANGE"] = "Increase Range"
-- L["LOCK"] = "Lock"
-- L["LOCK_DESC"] = "This prevents boss mods from overriding settings made to the range check, such as filters and hiding the window."
-- L["NAME"] = "Range Check"
-- L["NAMES"] = "Names"
-- L["NAME_FILET_DESC"] = "The settings for the party filter is not saved between sessions. So after a relog or client restart it will be needed to set up again. This is because your party may change over time and the filter would not be accurate."
-- L["NO_AUTO_HIDE"] = "Prevent getting hidden by bossmods"
-- L["NO_AUTO_HIDE_DESC"] = "This will prevent any bossmods from hiding the range check at any point during encounters."
-- L["NR_NAMES"] = "Number of visible names"
-- L["RANGE"] = "Range (%dy)"
-- L["RESET_FILTERS"] = "Reset Filters"
-- L["REVERSE_BARS"] = "Reverse Bars"
-- L["REVERSE_BARS_DESC"] = "If reversed, the bars will fill up the close you get to the person instead of filling up as you move away from the person."
-- L["SHOW_CLASS_ICON"] = "Show class icons"
-- L["SHOW_RAID_ICON"] = "Show raid icon"
-- L["TITLE"] = "Title"
-- L["TITLE_COLOR"] = "Title Color"
-- L["TITLE_HEIGHT"] = "Title Height"
-- L["USE_CLASS_COLORS"] = "Use class colors"
-- L["USE_CLASS_FILTER"] = "Use Class filter"
-- L["USE_NAME_FILTER"] = "Use Party filter"
-- L["USE_RAIDICON_FILTER"] = "Use Raid Icon filter"
-- L["WINDOW"] = "Window"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Warnings", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["DESC"] = "The warning frame shows the most important messages in the middle of the screen in large size togehter with a choosen sound"
-- L["FLASH"] = "Screen Flash"
-- L["NAME"] = "Warnings"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Stats", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["ANNOUNCE"] = "Announce"
-- L["ANNOUNCE_DESC"] = "Toggle announcement to your chatwindow"
-- L["BOSS_FIRST_KILL"] = "First Kill!, Congratulations!"
-- L["BOSS_NEW_BEST"] = "New fastest kill! Old was %s"
-- L["BOSS_NOT_BEST"] = "Your best is so far is %s."
-- L["NAME"] = "Statistics"
-- L["RESET_CHARACTER"] = "Reset Character"
--[==[ L["STATS_DESC"] = [=[The statistic will record and keep track of how many times you have killed or wiped against each boss.
With the |cffffff66Reset Character|r button you can reset all the saved data for the selected character. You can also reset the settings per boss by pressing the button in the column furthest to the right.
The statistics will be shown in the format of |cffffff66(Heroic)/(Normal)|r]=] ]==]

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Filter", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["AUTO_WHISPER"] = "Automatic whisper replies while fighting."
-- L["DESC"] = "Here you can select what kind of things you want to filter out. Things like raid warnings from other known boss mods. Send automatic replies to people that whisper you while you are fighting some boss and so on."
-- L["FILTER_AUTO_REPLY"] = "Filter automatic replies from your chat."
-- L["FILTER_EMOTES_CHAT"] = "Filter Boss emotes (Chat)."
-- L["FILTER_EMOTES_FRAME"] = "Filter Boss emotes (Emote frame)."
-- L["FILTER_KNOW_BOSS_MODS"] = "Filter known Boss Mods."
-- L["NAME"] = "Filters"
-- L["RW_CHAT_PREFIX"] = "<RW>"
-- L["RW_CHAT_RESPONSE"] = " Currently fighting %s (%0.1f%%) (%s), (%d/%d alive)"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-Controller", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["ALWAYS_SHOW"] = "Always Show"
-- L["ALWAYS_SHOW_DESC"] = "The Controller will always be visible, from when Raid Watch is enabled to disabled."
--[==[ L["DESC"] = [=[The controller lets you quickly show some of the windows like the Range Check, eqDKP and more.
During boss encounters it will show time in combat, how many that are alive in the raid and some other things. It will also let you access the options for the boss you currently are fighting with a single click.
Out of combat you will see current raid setting (party, group, 10 man, 25 man and so on)]=] ]==]
-- L["NAME"] = "Controller"
-- L["SHOW_BOSSFIGHT"] = "Show in boss encounters"
-- L["SHOW_BOSSFIGHT_DESC"] = "The Controller will be visible during boss encounters only, after the encounter is over it will be hidden again."
-- L["SHOW_JOIN_PARTY"] = "Show when joining a group/raid"
-- L["SHOW_JOIN_PARTY_DESC"] = "Show it automatically when joining a party/raid, will also hide it when leaving."
-- L["SHOW_ZONE"] = "Show in raid/group zone"
-- L["SHOW_ZONE_DESC"] = "The Controller will be visible inside zones that Raid Watch have mods for, if the zone does not have any mods it will not be visible."

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-DKPInfo", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["DESC"] = "This plugin is only useful if your guild uses eqDKP as dkp-system. If it is used and someone is running the separate \"eqDKP Extractor.exe\" on a regular basis the info will be up to date and broadcasted to all members in the guild."
-- L["DKP"] = "DKP"
-- L["DKP_POOL"] = "DKP Pool"
-- L["ENABLE_SYNC"] = "Enable DKP data sync"
-- L["ENABLE_SYNC_DESC"] = "If enabled, DKP data will be synced between players in the guild that also have the sync turned on, so everyone will have the latest available DKP data."
-- L["LINE_COLOR"] = "Alternating line color"
-- L["NAME"] = "eqDKP Stats"
-- L["RANK"] = "Rank"
-- L["SORT_METHOD"] = "Sort Method"
-- L["VISIBLE_RANKS"] = "Visible Ranks"
-- L["VISIBLE_RANKS_DESC"] = "The ranks selected here are the one that will be visible in the window. It will also be the only ranks that are synced with other players."

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW2-Plugin-VersionCheck", "esES")
if not L then return end
-- L["DESC"] = "Here you can see what versions of Raid Watch people in your current group/raid or guild is using. It can also optionally inform you whenever a more recent version then the one you are currently using is found."
-- L["NAME"] = "Versions Check"
-- L["NEW"] = "New version"
-- L["NEW_ALPHA"] = "A new alpha version of Raid Watch is available via the Curse Client (set to alpha) or (%s)"
-- L["NEW_RELEASE"] = "A new version of Raid Watch is now available for download (%s)"
-- L["NEW_VERSION"] = "New version available"
-- L["OLD"] = "Old version"
-- L["ROW_ALTERNATE_COLOR"] = "Alternating row color"
-- L["SAME"] = "Same version"
-- L["SORT_METHOD"] = "Sort Method"

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