WoWInterface SVN RaidWatch2

[/] [trunk/] [RaidWatch_RubySanctum/] [Locales/] [koKR.lua] - Rev 22

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local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW-Boss-Saviana Ragefire", "koKR")
if not L then return end
-- L["conflag_close"] = "Conflagration target close!"
-- L["conflag_close_opt"] = "Warning when the target is close to you."
-- L["say_conflag"] = "\"Say-message\" when you are the target of Conflagration"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW-Boss-Baltharus the Warborn", "koKR")
if not L then return end
-- L["brand_close"] = "Enervating Brand target close, RUN!"
-- L["brand_close_opt"] = "Warning when standing to close to the target"
-- L["say_brand"] = "\"Say-message\" when you are the target of Enervating Brand"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW-Boss-General Zarithrian", "koKR")
if not L then return end
-- L["adds"] = "New Adds"
-- L["adds_emote"] = "Turn them to ash, minions!"
-- L["adds_opt"] = "Time untill next set of adds will spawn"
-- L["adds_warning_opt"] = "Warn when new adds spawn"

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("RW-Boss-Halion", "koKR")
if not L then return end
-- L["meteor_emote"] = "The heavens burn!"
-- L["phase2_emote"] = "You will find only suffering within the realm of twilight! Enter if you dare!"
-- L["phase3_emote"] = "I am the light and the darkness! Cower, mortals, before the herald of Deathwing!"
-- L["show_croporeality_frane"] = "Corporeality status frame"
-- L["twilightcutter_emote"] = "The orbiting spheres pulse with dark energy!"

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