WoWInterface SVN SliceCommander

[/] [trunk/] [Locale/] [ruRU.lua] - Rev 252

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local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("SliceCommander", "ruRU")
if not L then return end
L["None"] = "****НЕТ***"
L["**Empty**"] = "**Empty**"
L["Combo Points"] = "Комбопоинты"
L["Sound settings"] = "Настройка звука"
L["Alert - 3 sec"] = "Внимание 3 сек"
L["Alert 3 secondes before fade"] = "Внимание 3 сек. до окончания эффекта"
L["Alert - 2 sec"] = "Внимание 2 сек"
L["Alert 2 secondes before fade"] = "Внимание 2 сек. до окончания эффекта"
L["Alert - 1 sec"] = "Внимание 1 сек"
L["Alert 1 secondes before fade"] = "Внимание 1 сек. до окончания эффекта"
L["Refresh - 3 sec"] = "Обновление - 3 сек"
L["Refresh 3 secondes before fade"] = "Обновление - спадет через 3 сек."
L["Refresh - 2 sec"] = "Обновление - 2 сек"
L["Refresh 2 secondes before fade"] = "Обновление - спадет через 2 сек."
L["Refresh - 1 sec"] = "Обновление - 1 сек"
L["Refresh 1 secondes before fade"] = "Обновление - спадет через 1 сек."
L["Faillure"] = "Неудача"
L["The refresh failled"] = "Обновление не прошло"
L["Applied"] = "Применено"
L["Expired"] = "Действие прошло"
L["Alert"] = "Внимание!"
L["Alert 3, 2 and 1 secondes before fade"] = "Внимание 1 ,2 и 3 сек до окончания эффекта"
L["displayDescription"] = "Каждая полоса имеет свою позицию. Если вы хотите видеть бар над полосой энергии, то нужно использовать отрицательный индекс. Положительный индекс используется для позиционирования ниже полосы энергии."
L["Energy bar Settings"] = "Настройки полосы энергии"
L["Hide Energy bar"] = "Скрыть полосу энергии"
L["Transparency (Full)"] = "Прозрачность"
L["The fade out value of the energy bar when it is full."] = "Значение затухания яркости полосы энергии при 100%"
L["Energy Marker 1"] = "Индикатор энергии #1"
L["Energy Marker 2"] = "Индикатор энергии #2"
L["Energy Marker 3"] = "Индикатор энергии #3"
L["Combo Point bar Settings"] = "Настройка Комбопоинтов"
L["Show Combo Point bar"] = "Отображать полосу Комбопоинтов"
L["Display the Combo Point timer bar"] = "Отображать таймер полосы Комбопоинтов"
L["Combo Point bar position"] = "Положение полосы Комбопоинтов"
L["The place where to display the Combo Point bar"] = "Месторасположение полосы Комбопоинтов"
L["Threat bar Settings"] = "Настройка Угроза срыва агро"
L["Show Threat bar"] = "Показать полосу Угроза срыва агро"
L["Display the Threat bar"] = "Отображать полосу Угроза срыва агро"
L["Threat bar position"] = "Положение полосы Угроза срыва агро"
L["The place where to display the Threat bar"] = "Месторасположение полосы Угроза срыва агро"
L["Threat bar only in group"] = "Показывать полосу Угроза срыва агро только в группе"
L["Display the Threat bar only if you are in a group or a raid"] = "Показывать полосу Угроза срыва агро только в группе или рейде"
L["Enable Mario mod"] = "Включить режим Братья Марио"
L["Enable mario star music during Adrenaline rush buff"] = "Включить музыку Братьев Марио пока действует Выброс адреналина"
L["Lock"] = "Зафиксировать"
L["Disable Left Click to Move"] = "Отключить перемещение по левому клику"
L["Full Timer"] = "Полный таймер"
L["Make timer full bar duration"] = "Сделать полосу с полной продолжительностью таймера"
L["Enable Latency"] = "Включить задержку"
L["Pad Alerts with Latency"] = "Информировать о задержке"
L["Spell Text"] = "Текст заклинания"
L["Enable spell text on bars"] = "Включить текст заклинания на полосах"
L["Sound Combat"] = "Звук боя"
L["Disable sounds out of combat"] = "Отключить звуки при выходе из боя"
L["Display Setting"] = "Настройки отображения"
L["Bar Texture"] = "Текстура полосы"
L["Bar Texture for timer and energy"] = "Текстура для таймера и энергии"
L["Width"] = "Ширина полосы"
L["widthDescription"] = "Ширина полосы. Если фрейм размыт или текстуры нечеткие, а так же вы играете на нескольких дисплеях, то нужно воспользоваться командой /sc eyefinity x, где X  - кол-во дисплеев."
L["Energy Height"] = "Высота полосы энергии"
L["Energy Bar Height"] = "Ширина полосы энергии"
L["Timer Height"] = "Высота текста таймера"
L["Timer Bar Height"] = "Высота полосы таймера"
L["Bar Margin"] = "Граница полосы"
L["Frame opacity"] = "Прозрачность фрейма"
L["Spec 1"] = "Спек 1"
L["Spec 2"] = "Спек 2"
L["Sound under 35% health"] = "Звуковой эффект при снижении здоровья ниже 35%"
L["Sound under 50% health"] = "Sound under 50% health"
L["The sound play when the health reach 35% health"] = "Звуковой эффект при снижении здоровья ниже 35%"
L["The sound play when your health reach 35% health"] = "The sound play when your health reach 35% health"
L["The sound play when your health reach 50% health"] = "The sound play when your health reach 50% health"
L["Kick Feature"] = "Функция пинка"
L["Enable"] = "Включить"
L["If enable, a warning message will be display when you succeed to interrupts spellcasting."] = "Если включить, то будет отображаться предупреждающее сообщение, при удачном прерывании заклинания."
L["Warning message"] = "Предупредительное сообщение"
L["The warning message which will be display when you kick is successful."] = "Сообщение при удачном пинке"
L["Health bar Settings"] = "Настройка полосы здоровья"
L["Show Health player bar"] = "Показывать полосу здоровья игрока"
L["Health bar position"] = "Позиция полосы здоровья"
L["The place where to display the Health bar"] = "Месторасположение полосы Полосы здоровья"
L["Taget name"] = "Имя цели"
L["Write a macro which Tricks the target if it is friendly, if not the target of target. Except if a modifier is down the Tricks will target the player name specify here."] = "Напишите макрос для Хитростей, если цель  дружественная, и не цель цели. Кроме случаев, когда модификатор нажат Маленькие Хитрости будут направлены на имя игрока, указанного здесь."
L['Macro update'] = "Обновление макроса"
L["Show HP Value"] = "Отображать кол-во жизни"
L["Show HP value rather than health percentage."] = "Отображать кол-во жизни вместо % жизни"
L["Hide out of combat"] = "Спрятать при выходе из боя"
L["Hide health bar when you are not in combat."] = "Спрятать полосу здоровья, если вы не в бою"
L["Bandit's Guile Sound"] = "Звук для Коварство бандита"
L["Bandit's Guile Sound. It has no effect if Bandit's Guile is not display."] = "Звук умения Коварство бандита. Если не отображается умение Коварство бандита, то звук не будет воспроизведен."
L["memory use"] = "Использование памяти"
L["Sound channel"] = "Канал звука"
L["Choose the sound channel with which you want to play SliceCommander sounds. 'MASTER' must be use if you want to ear sounds when sound is disable. Other channels should be use if you want o lower volume."] = "Выберите звуковой канал, в которым вы хотите проиграть звуки SliceCommander. 'МАСТЕР' должен быть использован, если вы хотите слышать звуки, при выключенном звуке. Другие каналы должны использоваться при низком уровне громкости."
L["Sound Volume"] = "Уровень громкости"
L["Warning: It will change the sound channel volume. If other sounds are played with this channel it will also change their volume."] = "Внимание! Это действие изменит значение громкости звука для этого канала. Если другие звуки воспроизводятся через этот канал, то уровень их громкости также изменится."
L["GCD Bar"] = "Полоса ГКД"
L["Enable GCD bar"] = "Включить полосу ГКД"
L["%s Settings"] = "Настройка %s"
L["Show %s bar"] = "Отображать полосу %s"
L["Show bar"] = "Отображать полосу"
L["Display the %s timer bar"] = "Отображать полосу таймера %s"
L["%s bar position"] = "Расположение полосы %s"
L["The place where to display the %s bar"] = "Месторасположение полосы %s"
L["%s Sound"] = "%s Sound"
L["%s Sound. It has no effect if %s is not display."] = "%s Sound. It has no effect if %s is not display."
L["%s icon"] = "%s icon"
L["%s icon. It's only display when stack reach 30. There is a counter on it."] = "%s icon. It's only display when stack reach 30. There is a counter on it."
L["General settings"] = "General settings"
L["Assassination settings"] = "Assassination settings"
L["Outlaw settings"] = "Outlaw settings"
L["Subtlety settings"] = "Subtlety settings"
L["Old settings"] = "Old settings"
L["Disable"] = "Disable"
L["All spec"] = "All spec"
L["Show %s bar CD"] = "Show %s bar CD"
L["Show CD bar"] = "Show CD bar"
L["Display the %s cooldown bar"] = "Display the %s cooldown bar"
L["Show %s icon"] = "Show %s icon"
L["Icon size"] = "Icon size"
L["Display the %s icon when enbale"] = "Display the %s icon when enbale"
L["Display the %s icon when the timer left on your poison go under specified time. If you are in combat it only display the icon when it fade out."] = "Display the %s icon when the timer left on your poison go under specified time. If you are in combat it only display the icon when it fade out."
L["Enable poison button"] = "Enable poison button"
L["Show poison icon"] = "Show poison icon"
L["Enable poison button has no effect if poison icon is not shown. If it is enable there is two restrinction: You can't click through the area where the icon was when the icon is hide in combat and the button does not work when the icon is shown in combat."] = "Enable poison button has no effect if poison icon is not shown. If it is enable there is two restrinction: You can't click through the area where the icon was when the icon is hide in combat and the button does not work when the icon is shown in combat."
L["displayDescriptionChekcedSpec"] = "You can change which poison are checked for the icon poison and it also change the button action"
L["Lethal poison"] = "Lethal poison"
L["Utility poison"] = "Utility poison"
L["Poisons"] = "Poisons"
L["Threat"] = "Threat"
L["Your health"] = "Your health"
L["Color"] = "Color"
L["The color of %s bar"] = "The color of %s bar"
L["The color of %s CD bar"] = "The color of %s CD bar"
L["Bar position"] = "Bar position"
L["CD Bar position"] = "CD Bar position"
L["Energy Marker %s"] = "Energy Marker %s"
L["Target health"] = 'Target health'
L["Minimal time"] = 'Minimal time'
L["In minutes"] = 'In minutes'
L['Standard'] = 'Standard'
L['CP %s'] = 'CP %s'
L['CP color'] = 'CP color'
L["Channel"] = 'Channel'
L["Choose which Channel the success message will be send to. Only one message is send. Then Channel priority order is Instance > Raid > Pary > Say."] = 'Choose which Channel the success message will be send to. Only one message is send. Then Channel priority order is Instance > Raid > Pary > Say.'
L["Instance"] = "Instance"
L["Raid"] = "Raid"
L["Party"] = "Party"
L["Say"] = "Say"
L["Pixel Perfect"] = "Pixel Perfect"
L["Should be enabled. If you change this option state you have to reload interface. This option is automatically disabled after a reload to only force uiscale one time."] = "Should be enabled. If you change this option state you have to reload interface. This option is automatically disabled after a reload to only force uiscale one time."
L["Replace spell name with each following spell text"] = "Replace spell name with each following spell text"
L["Each active buff actually up will be displayed in the spell name."] = "Each active buff actually up will be displayed in the spell name."
L["%s text."] = "%s text."
L["Pandemic"] = "Pandemic"
L["Enable pandemic tick"] = "Enable pandemic tick"
L["A small red bar will be displaid on each timer bar impacted by the mechanic to show you when you can refresh the corresponding buff/debuff."] = "A small red bar will be displaid on each timer bar impacted by the mechanic to show you when you can refresh the corresponding buff/debuff."
L["You have changed your UIScale, however you still have the PixelPerfect option enabled in SliceCommander. Press accept if you would like to disable the Auto Scale option."] = "You have changed your UIScale, however you still have the PixelPerfect option enabled in SliceCommander. Press accept if you would like to disable the Auto Scale option."
L["One or more of the changes you have made require a ReloadUI."] = "Одно или несколько изменений требуют перезагрузки интерфейса"
L["The resolution for the PixelPerfect option can not be found properly. You should try to change your client to fullscreen and then back to windowed. If does not fix the issue you can force the resolution for SliceCommander with the following macro '/sc resolution 1920x1080' (replace 1920x1080 by your resolution)."] = "The resolution for the PixelPerfect option can not be found properly. You should try to change your client to fullscreen and then back to windowed. If does not fix the issue you can force the resolution for SliceCommander with the following macro '/sc resolution 1920x1080' (replace 1920x1080 by your resolution)."
L["Add spell"] = "Add spell"
L["Add kicked spell at the start of the message."] = "Add kicked spell at the start of the message."
L["Enable spell sound notitication"] = "Enable spell sound notitication"
L["Each spell will have full sound personalization in their respective settings."] = "Each spell will have full sound personalization in their respective settings."
L["Sound"] = "Sound"
L["%s is applied"] = "%s is applied"
L["%s buff expire"] = "%s buff expire"
L["SliceCommander frames are currently unlocked. Accept to relock them."] = "SliceCommander frames are currently unlocked. Accept to relock them."
L["Ticks"] = "Ticks"
L["Enable Dot/Hot ticks indicator"] = "Enable Dot/Hot ticks indicator"
L["A small white bar will be displaid on each HoT / DoT timer to show you when the effect really occur."] = "A small white bar will be displaid on each HoT / DoT timer to show you when the effect really occur."
L["Warning settings"] = "Warning settings"
L["Enable kick warning"] = "Enable kick warning"
L["Font"] = "Font"
L['Empowered'] = "Empowered"
L["Shortcut"] = "Shortcut"
L["Skills"] = "Skills"
L["Talents"] = "Talents"
L["PVP Talents"] = "PVP Talents"
L["Force cooldown sound out of combat"] = "Force cooldown sound out of combat"
L["Force the cooldown sound to be play even if you are not in combat."] = "Force the cooldown sound to be play even if you are not in combat."
L["CD Sound"] = "CD Sound"
L["On cooldown"] = "On cooldown"
L["Alert when the spell is ready to be used"] = "Alert when the spell is ready to be used"
L["Azerite Essence"] = "Azerite Essence"
L["Spell"] = "Spell"
L["Flash when ready"] = "Flash when ready"
L["The bar will keep flashing when it should be use."] = "The bar will keep flashing when it should be use."
L["Cooldown"] = "Cooldown"
L["Special settings"] = "Special settings"
L['Essence'] = "Essence"
L["You have to choose a spec to use SliceCommander."] = "You have to choose a spec to use SliceCommander."
L['%s spell'] = "%s spell"
L['%s CD'] = "%s CD"
L['Covenants'] = "Covenants"
L['Kyrian'] = "Kyrian"
L['Necrolord'] = "Necrolord"
L['Night Fae'] = "Night Fae"
L['Venthyr'] = "Venthyr"
L['Show Audacity icon'] = "Show Audacity icon"
L['Show audacity icon when ambush utilisation without stealth is possible.'] = "Show audacity icon when ambush utilisation without stealth is possible."

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