WoWInterface SVN SliceCommander

[/] [trunk/] [Locale/] [zhCN.lua] - Rev 252

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local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("SliceCommander", "zhCN")
if not L then return end
L["None"] = "==无=="
L["**Empty**"] = "**Empty**"
L["Combo Points"] = "连击点数"
L["Sound settings"] = "音效设置"
L["Alert - 3 sec"] = "警报 - 3秒"
L["Alert 3 secondes before fade"] = "警报持续3秒后淡出"
L["Alert - 2 sec"] = "警报 - 2秒"
L["Alert 2 secondes before fade"] = "警报持续2秒后淡出"
L["Alert - 1 sec"] = "警报 - 1秒"
L["Alert 1 secondes before fade"] = "警报持续1秒后淡出"
L["Refresh - 3 sec"] = "刷新 - 3秒"
L["Refresh 3 secondes before fade"] = "刷新持续3秒后淡出"
L["Refresh - 2 sec"] = "刷新 - 2秒"
L["Refresh 2 secondes before fade"] = "刷新持续2秒后淡出"
L["Refresh - 1 sec"] = "刷新 - 1秒"
L["Refresh 1 secondes before fade"] = "刷新持续1秒后淡出"
L["Faillure"] = "失败"
L["The refresh failled"] = "刷新已失败"
L["Applied"] = "应用"
L["Expired"] = "到期"
L["Alert"] = "警报"
L["Alert 3, 2 and 1 secondes before fade"] = "警报持续1,2,3秒后淡出"
L["displayDescription"] = "每个条必须要要有单独的位置. 如果你想使一个计时条在能量条的顶部你必须使用负值. 正值用来定位条在底部.本插件由网易魔兽插件站汉化发布."
L["Energy bar Settings"] = "能量设置"
L["Hide Energy bar"] = "隐藏能量条"
L["Transparency (Full)"] = "透明度(完整)"
L["The fade out value of the energy bar when it is full."] = "当能量条满时的淡出值"
L["Energy Marker 1"] = "能量标记1"
L["Energy Marker 2"] = "能量标记2"
L["Energy Marker 3"] = "能量标记3"
L["Combo Point bar Settings"] = "连击点数条设置"
L["Show Combo Point bar"] = "显示连击点数条"
L["Display the Combo Point timer bar"] = "显示连击点数条"
L["Combo Point bar position"] = "连击点数条位置"
L["The place where to display the Combo Point bar"] = "连击点数条的位置"
L["Threat bar Settings"] = "仇恨条设置"
L["Show Threat bar"] = "显示仇恨条"
L["Display the Threat bar"] = "显示仇恨条"
L["Threat bar position"] = "仇恨条位置"
L["The place where to display the Threat bar"] = "仇恨条的位置"
L["Threat bar only in group"] = "仅在队伍中显示仇恨条"
L["Display the Threat bar only if you are in a group or a raid"] = "仅在队伍中显示仇恨条"
L["Enable Mario mod"] = "启用玛丽奥模组"
L["Enable mario star music during Adrenaline rush buff"] = "当冲动Buff持续期间启用玛丽奥音乐"
L["Lock"] = "锁定"
L["Disable Left Click to Move"] = "禁止左键移动"
L["Full Timer"] = "完整计时器"
L["Make timer full bar duration"] = "完整计时器"
L["Enable Latency"] = "启用延迟"
L["Pad Alerts with Latency"] = "启用延迟"
L["Spell Text"] = "法术文字"
L["Enable spell text on bars"] = "启用计时条内显示法术命"
L["Sound Combat"] = "战斗音效"
L["Disable sounds out of combat"] = "脱离战斗禁用声音"
L["Display Setting"] = "显示设置"
L["Bar Texture"] = "条材质"
L["Bar Texture for timer and energy"] = "计时条和能量条的材质"
L["Width"] = "宽"
L["widthDescription"] = "条的宽."
L["Energy Height"] = "能量条高"
L["Energy Bar Height"] = "能量条的高"
L["Timer Height"] = "计时条高"
L["Timer Bar Height"] = "计时条的高"
L["Bar Margin"] = "条间距"
L["Frame opacity"] = "框体透明度"
L["Spec 1"] = "天赋1"
L["Spec 2"] = "天赋2"
L["Sound under 35% health"] = "生命值低于35%音效警报"
L["Sound under 50% health"] = "生命值低于50%音效警报"
L["The sound play when the health reach 35% health"] = "生命值低于35%音效警报"
L["The sound play when your health reach 35% health"] = "当你的生命值低于35%音效警报"
L["The sound play when your health reach 50% health"] = "当你的生命值低于50%音效警报"
L["Kick Feature"] = "脚踢功能"
L["Enable"] = "启用"
L["If enable, a warning message will be display when you succeed to interrupts spellcasting."] = "当你成功打断法术时发送打断消息."
L["Warning message"] = "打断消息"
L["The warning message which will be display when you kick is successful."] = "当你成功打断法术时发送的打断消息."
L["Health bar Settings"] = "生命条设置"
L["Show Health player bar"] = "显示生命玩家条"
L["Health bar position"] = "生命条位置"
L["The place where to display the Health bar"] = "生命条的位置"
L["Taget name"] = "Taget name"
L["Write a macro which Tricks the target if it is friendly, if not the target of target. Except if a modifier is down the Tricks will target the player name specify here."] = "Write a macro which Tricks the target if it is friendly, if not the target of target. Except if a modifier is down the Tricks will target the player name specify here."
L['Macro update'] = "Macro update"
L["Show HP Value"] = "Show HP Value"
L["Show HP value rather than health percentage."] = "Show HP value rather than health percentage."
L["Hide out of combat"] = "Hide out of combat"
L["Hide health bar when you are not in combat."] = "Hide health bar when you are not in combat."
L["Bandit's Guile Sound"] = "Bandit's Guile Sound"
L["Bandit's Guile Sound. It has no effect if Bandit's Guile is not display."] = "Bandit's Guile Sound. It has no effect if Bandit's Guile is not display."
L["memory use"] = "memory use"
L["Sound channel"] = "Sound channel"
L["Choose the sound channel with which you want to play SliceCommander sounds. 'MASTER' must be use if you want to ear sounds when sound is disable. Other channels should be use if you want o lower volume."] = "Choose the sound channel with which you want to play SliceCommander sounds. 'MASTER' must be use if you want to ear sounds when sound is disable. Other channels should be use if you want o lower volume."
L["Sound Volume"] = "Sound Volume"
L["Warning: It will change the sound channel volume. If other sounds are played with this channel it will also change their volume."] = "Warning: It will change the sound channel volume. If other sounds are played with this channel it will also change their volume."
L["GCD Bar"] = "GCD Bar"
L["Enable GCD bar"] = "Enable GCD bar"
L["%s Settings"] = "%s Settings"
L["Show %s bar"] = "Show %s bar"
L["Show bar"] = "Show bar"
L["Display the %s timer bar"] = "Display the %s timer bar"
L["%s bar position"] = "%s bar position"
L["The place where to display the %s bar"] = "The place where to display the %s bar"
L["%s Sound"] = "%s Sound"
L["%s Sound. It has no effect if %s is not display."] = "%s Sound. It has no effect if %s is not display."
L["%s icon"] = "%s icon"
L["%s icon. It's only display when stack reach 30. There is a counter on it."] = "%s icon. It's only display when stack reach 30. There is a counter on it."
L["General settings"] = "General settings"
L["Assassination settings"] = "Assassination settings"
L["Outlaw settings"] = "Outlaw settings"
L["Subtlety settings"] = "Subtlety settings"
L["Old settings"] = "Old settings"
L["Disable"] = "Disable"
L["All spec"] = "All spec"
L["Show %s bar CD"] = "Show %s bar CD"
L["Show CD bar"] = "Show CD bar"
L["Display the %s cooldown bar"] = "Display the %s cooldown bar"
L["Show %s icon"] = "Show %s icon"
L["Icon size"] = "Icon size"
L["Display the %s icon when enbale"] = "Display the %s icon when enbale"
L["Display the %s icon when the timer left on your poison go under specified time. If you are in combat it only display the icon when it fade out."] = "Display the %s icon when the timer left on your poison go under specified time. If you are in combat it only display the icon when it fade out."
L["Enable poison button"] = "Enable poison button"
L["Show poison icon"] = "Show poison icon"
L["Enable poison button has no effect if poison icon is not shown. If it is enable there is two restrinction: You can't click through the area where the icon was when the icon is hide in combat and the button does not work when the icon is shown in combat."] = "Enable poison button has no effect if poison icon is not shown. If it is enable there is two restrinction: You can't click through the area where the icon was when the icon is hide in combat and the button does not work when the icon is shown in combat."
L["displayDescriptionChekcedSpec"] = "You can change which poison are checked for the icon poison and it also change the button action"
L["Lethal poison"] = "Lethal poison"
L["Utility poison"] = "Utility poison"
L["Poisons"] = "Poisons"
L["Threat"] = "Threat"
L["Your health"] = "Your health"
L["Color"] = "Color"
L["The color of %s bar"] = "The color of %s bar"
L["The color of %s CD bar"] = "The color of %s CD bar"
L["Bar position"] = "Bar position"
L["CD Bar position"] = "CD Bar position"
L["Energy Marker %s"] = "Energy Marker %s"
L["Target health"] = 'Target health'
L["Minimal time"] = 'Minimal time'
L["In minutes"] = 'In minutes'
L['Standard'] = 'Standard'
L['CP %s'] = 'CP %s'
L['CP color'] = 'CP color'
L["Channel"] = 'Channel'
L["Choose which Channel the success message will be send to. Only one message is send. Then Channel priority order is Instance > Raid > Pary > Say."] = 'Choose which Channel the success message will be send to. Only one message is send. Then Channel priority order is Instance > Raid > Pary > Say.'
L["Instance"] = "Instance"
L["Raid"] = "Raid"
L["Party"] = "Party"
L["Say"] = "Say"
L["Pixel Perfect"] = "Pixel Perfect"
L["Should be enabled. If you change this option state you have to reload interface. This option is automatically disabled after a reload to only force uiscale one time."] = "Should be enabled. If you change this option state you have to reload interface. This option is automatically disabled after a reload to only force uiscale one time."
L["Replace spell name with each following spell text"] = "Replace spell name with each following spell text"
L["Each active buff actually up will be displayed in the spell name."] = "Each active buff actually up will be displayed in the spell name."
L["%s text."] = "%s text."
L["Pandemic"] = "Pandemic"
L["Enable pandemic tick"] = "Enable pandemic tick"
L["A small red bar will be displaid on each timer bar impacted by the mechanic to show you when you can refresh the corresponding buff/debuff."] = "A small red bar will be displaid on each timer bar impacted by the mechanic to show you when you can refresh the corresponding buff/debuff."
L["You have changed your UIScale, however you still have the PixelPerfect option enabled in SliceCommander. Press accept if you would like to disable the Auto Scale option."] = "You have changed your UIScale, however you still have the PixelPerfect option enabled in SliceCommander. Press accept if you would like to disable the Auto Scale option."
L["One or more of the changes you have made require a ReloadUI."] = "已变更一或多个设定,需重载界面."
L["The resolution for the PixelPerfect option can not be found properly. You should try to change your client to fullscreen and then back to windowed. If does not fix the issue you can force the resolution for SliceCommander with the following macro '/sc resolution 1920x1080' (replace 1920x1080 by your resolution)."] = "The resolution for the PixelPerfect option can not be found properly. You should try to change your client to fullscreen and then back to windowed. If does not fix the issue you can force the resolution for SliceCommander with the following macro '/sc resolution 1920x1080' (replace 1920x1080 by your resolution)."
L["Add spell"] = "Add spell"
L["Add kicked spell at the start of the message."] = "Add kicked spell at the start of the message."
L["Enable spell sound notitication"] = "Enable spell sound notitication"
L["Each spell will have full sound personalization in their respective settings."] = "Each spell will have full sound personalization in their respective settings."
L["Sound"] = "Sound"
L["%s is applied"] = "%s is applied"
L["%s buff expire"] = "%s buff expire"
L["SliceCommander frames are currently unlocked. Accept to relock them."] = "SliceCommander frames are currently unlocked. Accept to relock them."
L["Ticks"] = "Ticks"
L["Enable Dot/Hot ticks indicator"] = "Enable Dot/Hot ticks indicator"
L["A small white bar will be displaid on each HoT / DoT timer to show you when the effect really occur."] = "A small white bar will be displaid on each HoT / DoT timer to show you when the effect really occur."
L["Warning settings"] = "Warning settings"
L["Enable kick warning"] = "Enable kick warning"
L["Font"] = "Font"
L['Empowered'] = "Empowered"
L["Shortcut"] = "Shortcut"
L["Skills"] = "Skills"
L["Talents"] = "Talents"
L["PVP Talents"] = "PVP Talents"
L["Force cooldown sound out of combat"] = "Force cooldown sound out of combat"
L["Force the cooldown sound to be play even if you are not in combat."] = "Force the cooldown sound to be play even if you are not in combat."
L["CD Sound"] = "CD Sound"
L["On cooldown"] = "On cooldown"
L["Alert when the spell is ready to be used"] = "Alert when the spell is ready to be used"
L["Azerite Essence"] = "Azerite Essence"
L["Spell"] = "Spell"
L["Flash when ready"] = "Flash when ready"
L["The bar will keep flashing when it should be use."] = "The bar will keep flashing when it should be use."
L["Cooldown"] = "Cooldown"
L["Special settings"] = "Special settings"
L['Essence'] = "Essence"
L["You have to choose a spec to use SliceCommander."] = "You have to choose a spec to use SliceCommander."
L['%s spell'] = "%s spell"
L['%s CD'] = "%s CD"
L['Covenants'] = "Covenants"
L['Kyrian'] = "Kyrian"
L['Necrolord'] = "Necrolord"
L['Night Fae'] = "Night Fae"
L['Venthyr'] = "Venthyr"
L['Show Audacity icon'] = "Show Audacity icon"
L['Show audacity icon when ambush utilisation without stealth is possible.'] = "Show audacity icon when ambush utilisation without stealth is possible."

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