WoWInterface SVN SoopUI

[/] [trunk/] [3.0.0rc1/] [SoopUI/] [Config/] [variables.lua] - Rev 7

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--      ___         ___         ___         ___      ___               
--     /  /\       /  /\       /  /\       /  /\    /__/\      ___     
--    /  /:/_     /  /::\     /  /::\     /  /::\   \  \:\    /  /\    
--   /  /:/ /\   /  /:/\:\   /  /:/\:\   /  /:/\:\   \  \:\  /  /:/    
--  /  /:/ /::\ /  /:/  \:\ /  /:/  \:\ /  /:/~/:___  \  \:\/__/::\    
-- /__/:/ /:/\:/__/:/ \__\:/__/:/ \__\:/__/:/ /:/__/\  \__\:\__\/\:\__ 
-- \  \:\/:/~/:\  \:\ /  /:\  \:\ /  /:\  \:\/:/\  \:\ /  /:/  \  \:\/\
--  \  \::/ /:/ \  \:\  /:/ \  \:\  /:/ \  \::/  \  \:\  /:/    \__\::/
--   \__\/ /:/   \  \:\/:/   \  \:\/:/   \  \:\   \  \:\/:/     /__/:/ 
--     /__/:/     \  \::/     \  \::/     \  \:\   \  \::/      \__\/  
--     \__\/       \__\/       \__\/       \__\/    \__\/              
--                       v * e * r * s * i * o * n * 3
-- SoopUI Variables
Soop = { }

_, myclass = UnitClass("player") 
local myPlayerName  = UnitName("player")

resolution = GetCurrentResolution()                                                                                     -- Get the users resolution for scaling
getscreenresolution = select(resolution, GetScreenResolutions())

version = GetAddOnMetadata("SoopUI", "Version")
dummy = function() return end                                                                                           -- Dummy frame
client = GetLocale()                                                                                                            -- For those outside the US 'Murica
incombat = UnitAffectingCombat("player")
patch = GetBuildInfo()
level = UnitLevel("player")
local myPlayerRealm = GetRealmName()

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