WoWInterface SVN fernir_UI

[/] [settings.lua] - Rev 2

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local addonName, ns = ...
oUF = ns.oUF or oUF
if not oUF then return end

local media = "Interface\\Addons\\"..addonName.."\\textures\\"
local _, playerclass = UnitClass('player')

oUF_Settings = {
    UIScale = true,
    Portraits = true,
    MinimapScale = 0.8,
    powerbar = false,
    cornerPoints = true,
    corners = {
      {spellID = 48440, point = "BOTTOMLEFT", width = 10, height = 10, action = "HELPFUL", count = false, color = {1, .1, 1, 1 }, }, --rejuvenation
      {spellID = 48443, point = "TOPLEFT", width = 10, height = 10, action = "HELPFUL", count = false, color = { 0, 1, .4, 1 }, }, --regrowth
      {spellID = 48450, point = "TOPRIGHT", width = 10, height = 10, action = "HELPFUL", count = true, color = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }, }, --lifebloom
      {spellID = 53249, point = "BOTTOMRIGHT", width = 10, height = 10, action = "HELPFUL", count = false, color = { 1, .8, 0, 1 }, }, --wildgrowth
      {spellID = 47486, action = "HARMFUL", }, --mortal strike
      {spellID = 43235, action = "HARMFUL", }, --wound poison
    runecolors = {
       [1] = {.69,.31,.31},
       [2] = {.69,.31,.31},
       [3] = {.33,.59,.33},
       [4] = {.33,.59,.33},
       [5] = {.31,.45,.63},
       [6] = {.31,.45,.63},
    powercolors = { -- my colors for power bars
        ["MANA"] = {.2, .4, 1},
        ["RAGE"] = {.9, .1, .1},
        ["FOCUS"] = {.9, .9, .1},
        ["ENERGY"] = {.9, .9, .1},
        ["RUNIC_POWER"] = {.1, .9, .9},
    texture = media.."tex_smooth",          -- Texture for all bars
    buffTex = media.."gloss",               -- border for aura icons
    indicator = media.."indicator",         -- Raid corner texture
    font = media.."myriadpro.ttf",          -- global font
    fsize = 13,                             -- global font size
    borderGlow = media.."simplesquare_glow",
    striped = media.."tex_striped",
    buffGloss = media.."gloss_border",
    normTex = media.."normTex",             -- nameplate normal texture
    glowTex = media.."glowTex",             -- nameplate glow texture
    ClassColor = true,               -- color healthbar by class or reaction
    OwnColor = { 0.6, 1, 0.9 },      -- or use own color
    PowerColorByType = true,         -- color power bar by power type (rage = red, mana = blue tc)
    OwnPowerColor = { 0.2, 0.2, 1 }, -- or use own power color
    chatcolor = { .1, .1, .1 },
    ccolor = _G["RAID_CLASS_COLORS"][select(2, UnitClass("player"))] or {0,0,0},  -- DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE!
    chatalpha = 1,
    Frames = {
        ["player"] = {Width = 200, Height = 45, ManaBarHeight = 12},
        ["target"] = {Width = 200, Height = 45, ManaBarHeight = 12},
        ["targettarget"] = {Width = 100, Height = 25, ManaBarHeight = 6},
        ["focus"] = {Width = 100, Height = 10, ManaBarHeight = 3},
        ["focustarget"] = {Width = 100, Height = 10, ManaBarHeight = 3},
        ["pet"] = {Width = 45, Height = 45, ManaBarHeight = 6},
    Positions = {
        ["player"] = {"TOPRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOM", -100, 300},
        ["target"] = {"TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOM", 100, 300},
        ["targettarget"] = {"TOP", UIParent, "BOTTOM", 0, 300},
        ["focus"] = {"TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 32, 300},
        ["focustarget"] = {"LEFT", oUF.units.focus, "RIGHT", 5, 0},
        ["pet"] = {"TOP", oUF.units.player, "BOTTOM", 0, -20},
    RaidFrames = {Width = 60, Height = 50, ManaBar = 3},
    RaidPositions = {"TOPLEFT", UIParent, 27, -27}, -- first raid group


if playerclass == "DEATHKNIGHT" then
    {spellID = 57623, point = "TOPLEFT", width = 10, height = 10, action = "HELPFUL", count = false, color = {0, 0, 1, 1 }, }
   )--winter horn
elseif playerclass == "SHAMAN" then
    {spellID = 57960, point = "TOPLEFT", width = 15, height = 15, action = "HELPFUL", count = false, color = {0, 0, 1, 1 }, }
   )--water shield

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