WoWInterface SVN RaidToolkit

[/] [trunk/] [RaidToolkit/] [libs/] [Ace3/] - Rev 10

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  • Rev 9 2010-10-16 18:50:40 GMT
  • Author: Breezze-105725
  • Log message:
    * Show or hide Blizzard's Raid UI
    * Keybinding for using world markers (Raid flares)
    * Disable Blizzard's Raid UI upon entering the game
    * Remote control: Allow some people to use the RaidToolkit's
    features via raid chat or whisper
    * Sort the raid by role, class or race
    * Raid Statistics: view raidmembers by role, class or race
    * Save current subgroups and restore them later
    (/rtk store and /rtk restore)
    * Create oRA2 maintank list based on Blizzard's maintanks and
    mainassist assignments (/rtk ora)
    * Raid roll (/rtk raidroll or /rtk rr)
    * Initiate a role check (/rtk rolecheck)
    * /rtk together: move people together in the same group
    * /rtk marktanks: mark tanks with a raid icon
    * Set and clear roles (/rtk setrole and /rtk clearrole)
    (Optionally followed by a list of names)
    * Show error messages for invite-other to the person who
    requested it ("Trollrogue is already in a group.")
    * You can use "/rtk promote Taurenshaman" to promote one person
    * Enable/disable "RaidToolkit:" prefix in chat
    * Uses the new convert to party (instead of disbanding and recreating as party)
    * Shows your config settings (goes to Raid chat if Announce is enabled)
    (/rtk showconfig)
    * Keybindings for: toggle command window, toggle invite list
    * Fixed bug: /rtk info: Dungeon difficulty seems to always be "5 player"
    * Fixed bug: Addon doesn't remember the "Enable" checkbox when after relog
    * Fixed bug: Doesn't always check if you're the group leader/assistant,
    resulting in messages that you're not the leader.
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