WoWInterface SVN oUF_Sliker

[/] [trunk/] [oUF_Kui/] [lib/] [Ace3/] [AceAddon-3.0/] - Rev 153

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  • Rev 117 2012-04-13 18:55:55 GMT
  • Author: SlikerHawk-99516
  • Log message:
    * [WIP] This version will reset configuration. Configuration is no longer done with slash commands, rather an interface is available in the built-in AddOn options interface. Typing /oufk or /oufkui will also open this interface.
    * Configuration profiles are separated by standard frames & raid frames [TODO: maybe party frames] so, for instance, you can use one global profile for the player, target, etc. frames, and different profiles for different characters for your raid[/party] frames.
    * Now using Ace to provide configuration options. Reliance on Kui as a standalone library is reduced. Kui is now embedded and only provides a few functions I find useful and a media table.
    - changed: the size of raid frames can now be configured
    - changed: raid frame position can now be configured
    - changed: text displayed on raid frames can now be disabled
    - changed: power bars can now be toggled on most frames
    - removed: customConfig.lua (customConfig-Rename.lua) is no longer used and should be deleted.
    - removed: there is no longer a named "heal mode" for raid frames. Rather, the old "heal mode" is used as the default and a custom layout can be created if desired. [TODO: maybe include another layout as a profile, if you can do that]

    ** Technical stuff
    ok => ns
    removed useless local "btxt" from ns.PostUpdateGroupHealth
    ns.PostUpdateGroupHealth now checks if exists before setting the text of or ele.big
    ns.PostUpdateGroupHealth now checks if ele.role exists before setting the text of ele.role or ele.status
    removed old logic for auto-scaling of frames
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