WoWInterface SVN oUF_Sliker

[/] [trunk/] [oUF_Kui/] [lib/] [Ace3/] [AceConfig-3.0/] - Rev 153

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  • Rev 125 2012-09-06 16:57:38 GMT
  • Author: SlikerHawk-99516
  • Log message:
    raid frames position can now be configured
    bar fader now only fades health/power/class bars rather than the entire frame
    class bars are now horizontal
    class bars now support changing PowerMax values
    class bars now support changing alternate powers
    class bars now support a bunch of new alternate powers
    "combat" "pvp" and "resting" flags on the player frame are now trendy and avant garde
    removed frame background (so they look cool)
    combo points now hide when out of combat
    aura-combo-points now support debuffs on the target as well as buffs on the player
    the highlighted-target border is now easier to see
    class bars now hide when dead (like the power bar)
    the coloured background of all bars is now slightly more opaque
    now only using spellID for aura filters (rather than spell name)
    changed position of power bar text
    the portrait shade is now slightly more transparent
    repositioned player/target cast bar

    temporarily disabled sorting auras by time remaining due to possible ouf bug
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