WoWInterface SVN GuildTracker

[/] [trunk/] - Rev 14

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  • Rev 14 2013-01-25 20:38:06 GMT
  • Author: dracula-35573
  • Log message:
    * Added option to show officer note instead of public note (applies to guild leave/join messages and history list)
    * Greatly optimized scan duration; this should resolve any 'script ran too long' warnings during combat
    * Feature: Option to disable scanning during combat
    * Feature: Added achievement points changes (can be spammy!)
    * Feature: Configurable minimum level for reporting changes in achievement points or level
    * Feature: Merging of changes, so only the net result is shown in the history tooltip (optional)
    * Change: Will now properly detect all different changes for a single player simultaneously
    * Change: Empty officer/public notes are now displayed as 'empty'
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